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Good Night scene/program on KPL?


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I know somewhere that MikeB wrote a progarm that does something similar, but I cannot find it for the life of me.


I would like to either write a program or make a scene that does the following:



1. Turns off all the lights in the house

2. Turns off all other KPL buttons that might be on

3. (wish list) waits 30 seconds after I press the button to turn the lights out.


The other idea I was thinking of was that MBR KPL A could only be a "shut off" button, so if i hit the button 10 times, it would only send a shut down command.


Then MBR KPL C could be an "All On" button - though I wouldnt want all KPL buttons to go on too.


I have some other thoughts, but this might be a good place to start.


Whats the easiest way to do this?







I also have in Homeseer, that the "D" buttons at the Front KPL & Basement KPL. send an off command to everything inthe house & then send an on command to the living room. I would like to have the ISY handle that going forward.

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Well, I was playing around & I set it up this way (with a scene):


MBR Button A is the controller, everything else I added are responders. MBR Button A was set into toggle "Off" mode. Each time I press A it turns everything off.


I was so excited that I did the same thing with MBR Button C for an "all On" switch. That is neat indeed!


I have an extra KPL desktop enclosure. I am thinking of taking a switchlinc dimmer & putting it in for my wife to use on her side (on being all on, off being all off).


I really like this, much faster response time from the homeseer setup I was using for that.


I still dont get the mutual exclusive buttons & how that works but this is cool indeed!

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Sorry, I am more confused on what that means in terms of Insteon. When is a Mutual Exclusive button used?


Hi Rich,

MutEx buttons are used when you desire only one of a group to be illuminated at any time. For example you may have four levels for the same set of devices (scene) and select one at a time.


The button toggle is pretty easy to get. Though I do not understand what it means the Non-Toggle? What is that used for?


Non-toggle will always send an On or Off, they will not toggle between On/Off.



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Sorry, I am more confused on what that means in terms of Insteon. When is a Mutual Exclusive button used?


Hi Rich,

MutEx buttons are used when you desire only one of a group to be illuminated at any time. For example you may have four levels for the same set of devices (scene) and select one at a time.




Sorry to sound like a broken record, but I dont quite get the MutEx concept. Are you saying that BR KPL has A, B, C, D. Right, now, all four can be lit or unlit at any time. Is MutEx so that if button A is lit, B,C,D cant be?


If thats the case, I dont quite understand the usage, Buttton A controls Lights 1, 2, 3 at medium brightness, Button B controls Lights 1, 3, 5 at full, etc?


What is a real world example?


Can these be cross multiple KPL's?




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Hi again Rich,


Precisely: mutual exclusive buttons exclude one another. So, only one can be on at each time.


The most applicable scenario for Mutex buttons is for moods: different on levels/ramp rates for the same set of devices to effectuate certain moods (party, romantic, going to bed, etc.).


For Mutex buttons to work across cross linked KPLs, both KPLs should be configured with the same exact configurations otherwise everything will go out of synch pretty quickly.


With kind regards,


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  • 5 months later...

This post was very helpful for figuring out my KPL. I am going to set up a new Programs Folder called "House Modes". I set up KPL so all of the buttons (except Main) are MutEx and all Non-Toggle ON. This way there can only be one button on at a time. I will then set up programs for each mode (or button) under the "House Modes" program folder. This will be great to use as conditions in other programs.


For example, if House Mode "Night" is TRUE and hallway motion sensor is ON, then dim lights to low level, if House Mode "Day Time" is TRUE and hallway motion sensor is ON, then do nothing.


I am new here and so far have found great information here. Thanks to everyone for the great support.

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