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Whats the best way write this program?


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In Homeseer, I have a program that does the following:


During the day when rear deck motion sensor is triggered, if the kitchen light is off, the kitchen light will turn on for 10 minutes, then turn itself off.

If the kitchen light is on, it will do nothing.


If its night time (8pm-6am) & the sensor is triggered it will turn on the kitchen light for 10 minutes including 3 exterior lights, then it shuts those items off. If the kitchen light is on, it will do nothing.


Its a nice feature


How can I replicate this using the ISY? I have something similar to this for the entry sensor as well, if I can figure out one program, I can do the rest (including one in the bedroom that from 11pm to 5am will turn the bedroom light on 20% for 2 minutes, then auto shut off).




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In Homeseer, I have a program that does the following:


During the day when rear deck motion sensor is triggered, if the kitchen light is off, the kitchen light will turn on for 10 minutes, then turn itself off.

If the kitchen light is on, it will do nothing.


If its night time (8pm-6am) & the sensor is triggered it will turn on the kitchen light for 10 minutes including 3 exterior lights, then it shuts those items off. If the kitchen light is on, it will do nothing.


Its a nice feature


How can I replicate this using the ISY?

Sounds like:



Control 'rear deck motion sensor' is switched On

And From Sunrise

To Sunset (Same Day)

And Status 'Kitchen Light' is Off



Set 'Kitchen Light' On

Wait 10 minutes

Set 'Kitchen Light' Off




Control 'rear deck motion sensor' is switched On

And From Sunset

To Sunrise (next day)

And Status 'Kitchen Light' is Off



Set 'Kitchen Light' On

Set 'Outside Light 1' On

Set 'Outside Light 2' On

Set 'Outside Light 3' On

(Or Set Scene 'Outdoor Lights' On)

Wait 10 minutes

Set Set 'Kitchen Light' On

Set 'Outside Light 1' Off

Set 'Outside Light 2' Off

Set 'Outside Light 3' Off

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I am having some problems, the light doesnt want to go off:


Also, once the timer is started, should other motion events restart the timer (not what I want)? I am assuming not, as after the first one starts, the kitchen light is no longer off, so it should just end.


I am testing with 1 minute btw.



Control 'Kitchen Motion Sensor' is switched On

And Status 'Kitchen Light' is Off

And From Sunset

To Sunrise (next day)



Set 'Kitchen Light' On

Wait 1 minute

Set 'Kitchen Light' Off



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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But if he wants the status to determine whether or not the program runs (and whether or not the device turns back off in 10 minutes), then he'd need to take a different approach. I still have to think that process through each time...


So instead of putting the on/wait/off commands as the Then (which stops executing because the commands make the original trigger false), he'd want to have a third program that read:




No Conditions



Turn Kitchen Light On

Wait 10 minutes

Turn Kitchen Light Off



No actions


and in his first program, he'd replace the Then with



Run Program (3rd program) Then Path

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My only concern is that I dont want it to be that if my wife turns the light on & then there is motion outside, that the 10 minute countdown will start to turn the light off.


Also, should these programs be in teh same folder, or does that not matter? I am not sure how the programs know they belong to each other.




Hi RichTJ99,


Your program becomes false as soon as the Kitchen light is turned on and thus stops the execution.


Since there's no harm in turning an on device on again, I would remove the second condition (Status Kitchen Light is off).


With kind regards,


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I was thinking that if the sensor sees motion, then it starts the program, once the program is started, it wont restart until the initial 10 miuntes is up & the light goes back to off status.


if it sees motion & the light is on, it should ignore the program.


How do I link the three programs?





But if he wants the status to determine whether or not the program runs (and whether or not the device turns back off in 10 minutes), then he'd need to take a different approach. I still have to think that process through each time...


So instead of putting the on/wait/off commands as the Then (which stops executing because the commands make the original trigger false), he'd want to have a third program that read:




No Conditions



Turn Kitchen Light On

Wait 10 minutes

Turn Kitchen Light Off



No actions


and in his first program, he'd replace the Then with



Run Program (3rd program) Then Path

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But if he wants the status to determine whether or not the program runs (and whether or not the device turns back off in 10 minutes), then he'd need to take a different approach. I still have to think that process through each time...


Me too ;) It should only take two programs to do this.


Rich, the programs can be placed in a folder. I would just to keep things organized.



       From    Sunset 
       To      Sunrise (next day)
   And Control 'Kitchen Motion Sensor' is switched On
   And Status  'Kitchen Ceiling' is Off
   And Program 'Motion Two' is False

       Run Program 'Motion Two' (Then Path)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Motion Two:

  - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')

       Set 'Kitchen Ceiling' On
       Wait  10 minutes 
       Set 'Kitchen Ceiling' Off
       Run Program 'Motion Two' (Else Path)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



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Thanks guys! That did the trick. I admit, I am not sure what the differences are between the the line being (Then Path) or (Else Path) ?


Anyway, thanks that looks like it will work great, now I need more motion sensors. It is nice to be moving away from X10. Its also nice that when the battery goes, I just have to swap it out without reprogramming it.

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Thanks guys! That did the trick. I admit, I am not sure what the differences are between the the line being (Then Path) or (Else Path) ?


Hi Rich,

When a program runs the Then Path it is considered True. In the program Motion I use this condition so Motion Two doesn't restart with each motion. Then in Motion Two I set the status to False by running the Else Path after the light turns off. Then the Motion program knows to turn on the light and start the timer again.


You may find you need a third program in case someone wants to cancel the countdown. To keep the light on by pressing a switch this should work.


Since the Else path in Motion Two contains no Actions you don't need to use the Sun conditions in this program.


Motion Three:

       Control 'Kitchen Ceiling' is switched On

       Run Program 'Motion Two' (Else Path)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Anyway, thanks that looks like it will work great, now I need more motion sensors. It is nice to be moving away from X10. Its also nice that when the battery goes, I just have to swap it out without reprogramming it.


Yes, that was frustrating enough to me that I gave up on the X10 sensors.



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