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ISY and Arlo Integration


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Has anyone connect Arlo to the ISY in order to have ISY perform a task upon Motion being detected by an Arlo camera?  Or activate a camera from ISY, etc.?

If so, I would appreciate a point in the right direction...if this is not possible, would like to know that too so I quit looking.  ;)


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12 hours ago, Jimbo said:

There is a python module i looked at when I was considering getting some where I want wireless, but haven't purchased any yet... https://github.com/jeffreydwalter/arlo
Could be used to build a Polyglot nodeserver.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL with Tapatalk


I was looking at that last night...I am a mediocre very basic programmer on my best day with Python...and I have never looked at Polyglot...but might be worth a poke around and see what fun I can have with it.  



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