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Tying lights together to brighten and dim together


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Hello all,

This should be really simple but for some reason it is not working for me. Here is the code to brighten the light:


 Control 'Light 1' is switched bright
 Set 'Light 2' bright


When I do this, if I open the event viewer, I can see things happening but 'Light 2' is not getting brighter..


Amy I missing something?

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Hello ahbrown41, please try Fade up and Fade stop instead of bright and let me know if it works any better.


Also, if these two lights are going to brighten/dim together, it would be best to put them both in a scene and make Light 1 a controller.


With kind regards,



Hello all,

This should be really simple but for some reason it is not working for me. Here is the code to brighten the light:


 Control 'Light 1' is switched bright
 Set 'Light 2' bright


When I do this, if I open the event viewer, I can see things happening but 'Light 2' is not getting brighter..


Amy I missing something?

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Thanks for the reply. I tried making light 1 a controller and light 2 a responder but it is still not doing what I am looking for (Light 2 just ramps up to high). How responders work is not 100% clear to me in relation to a straight program, is there a good FAQ somewhere?


What I am looking to do is dim and brighten the lights together at the same time. So if I brighten one, the other should brighten to the same level and stop (I tried fade stop). I want to have the lights do the same for Light 2 as well in relation to light 1.


Can I do this?



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Hello Alexander,


Yes, absolutely: this is the fundamental feature of INSTEON. Understanding scenes is very important in making your configuration easier to understand and operate.


Please do checkout our tutorials on Scenes:

http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... ide#Scenes


Specifically, you would want to checkout the Multiway tutorial.


With kind regards,



Thanks for the reply. I tried making light 1 a controller and light 2 a responder but it is still not doing what I am looking for (Light 2 just ramps up to high). How responders work is not 100% clear to me in relation to a straight program, is there a good FAQ somewhere?


What I am looking to do is dim and brighten the lights together at the same time. So if I brighten one, the other should brighten to the same level and stop (I tried fade stop). I want to have the lights do the same for Light 2 as well in relation to light 1.


Can I do this?



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