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BETA Release 2.7.6 is now available


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Looks like Norton Internet Security is causing the issue with the local access Java Icon. I disabled the NIS and the functionality issue was resplved. Re-enabled and the issue reappeared.


Do you have any suggestions on any NIS configuration settings that allow the local java app to funtion properly? I prefer not to have to disable the NIS if possible.


Thanks for your responses and help.

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Hello gfridland,


We are working on a solution which may help with firewall software. I did try Kaspersky and it had the same exact issue as NIS. The main problem is that all these firewall software do NOT like your computer to act as a listener.


We do have a build which is better but still does not address this whole issue. We are working on figuring out the best workaround. Please watch this topic for updates.


With kind regards,


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I cannot use "Not Specified" in my raw text search using Find/Replace in the Program Details view. No modification of the search phrase will yield all the programs of a deleted device. This is unfortunate as that is the number one use for me of Find/Replace.

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Here's one for you:


I had entered the ISY through the new downloaded Administrative Console. Created a scene or two, but they did not show up after creation.


Decided to close the Admin Console and reopen the "old fashioned" way; through the network.


All the scenes created (which I could not see in the "new" way to access the AC) were there when accessing the AC through the Network icon.


Why does this happen?



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I cannot use "Not Specified" in my raw text search using Find/Replace in the Program Details view. No modification of the search phrase will yield all the programs of a deleted device. This is unfortunate as that is the number one use for me of Find/Replace.


Hi Illusion -


You should be able to search for "Not Specified" (do not include brackets or quotes). I just conifrmed this is working here on 2.7.6.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a scene that consists of five lights as responders (3 outletlincs, 1 switchlinc dimmer, 1 switchlinc relay) and a button on a remotelinc as a controller:








RL1.D (controller)


I have a program as follows:



Time is Sunset


Set Scene 'House.Evening' On


- No Actions -


Most evenings at sunset, some but not all of the lights come on. I get anywhere between three and five lights on.


When I turn the scene on with either the remotelinc or manually clicking the On button on the Main page (with the scene highlighted), all five lights go on everytime.


I did the Tools->Scene Test and got this:


----- House.Evening Test Results -----

[Failed]Family.SWLD.Sconce (0 E1 AC 1)

[Failed]Family.OL.TablelampNorth (10 E4 B7 1)

[Failed]Living.OL.FloorlampSouth (10 E5 85 1)

[Failed]Living.OL.FloorlampNorth (10 E6 9A 1)

[Failed]Family.SWLR.TablelampSouth (B D3 6D 1)

[ignore]RL1.D (11 99 72 4)

----- House.Evening Test Results -----


The scene worked perfectly (manually) both before and after the Scene Test.


I saw the post by junkycosmos in a different thread about a problem that has some similarities as this but I can't tell if it's related. I'm running 2.7.6 beta so I thought this is the thread for this post but feel free to move it if it belongs somewhere else.



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Hi Scott,


Ah, the infamous scene problem. This is what I suggest:


1. On any one of the devices that fail, do a factory reset and then restore it (Right mouse click | Restore Device)

2. Try the scene test again


If the scene test fails, then we have to look for sources of noise and/or signal strength issues.


By the way, can you tell me what type of devices are these (SWL 3.5?)?


With kind regards,


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As specified in your Admin Console, Four of the responders are:

3 Outletlinc V.32

1 Switchlinc Dimmer V.24

I've replaced the fifth (a Switchlinc Relay that's printed with V2 5 on the switch) with a Keypadlinc Dimmer (V.26) so that I can control the local light and the four other lights independently from one location. If there is any other version info that you'd like, let me know. I will replace other components and then see if I still have the problem. I'm in the process of replacing the outletlincs with lamplincs so that they're dimmable (for now, out of laziness, i'm just plugging the lamplincs into the bottom (uncontrolled) outlet of the outletlincs - assuming there's no problem with doing that....)


If it's a signal/noise issue though, I would expect to occasionally see it fail (at least one light NOT turn on) when I manually turn on the scene through the Admin Console or the Remotelinc button. It only seems to fail when it's initiated by the program.



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Hi ScottK,


Thanks for the information.


Please do keep me posted with your progress in changing your devices.


As far as signal issue and program, well, although it makes sense but it's not necessarily true simply because:

1. A program may be time sensitive: what other devices are on that could be producing noise at that time?

2. A program may also control other devices which may be the sources of a noise


To test 1, simply run the programs manually from the Program Summary page. If they do not fail when you do activate them manually, then we have to think about time sensitive noise. If they do fail, then we have to check and see what other devices turn on/off when the program is activated.


With kind regards,





As specified in your Admin Console, Four of the responders are:

3 Outletlinc V.32

1 Switchlinc Dimmer V.24

I've replaced the fifth (a Switchlinc Relay that's printed with V2 5 on the switch) with a Keypadlinc Dimmer (V.26) so that I can control the local light and the four other lights independently from one location. If there is any other version info that you'd like, let me know. I will replace other components and then see if I still have the problem. I'm in the process of replacing the outletlincs with lamplincs so that they're dimmable (for now, out of laziness, i'm just plugging the lamplincs into the bottom (uncontrolled) outlet of the outletlincs - assuming there's no problem with doing that....)


If it's a signal/noise issue though, I would expect to occasionally see it fail (at least one light NOT turn on) when I manually turn on the scene through the Admin Console or the Remotelinc button. It only seems to fail when it's initiated by the program.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess there's something about Keypadlincs that I don't understand. I'm still playing with the scene that has five lights. Three of the lights now use Lamplincs. The forth is on a Switchlinc Dimmer. The fifth light is the load (button A) of a Keypadlinc. The KPL's buttons B,C,D and E are responders so that they light up when their corresponding lights are on. The KPL's H button is a scene controller. A Remotelinc button is another controller. I use a Sunset program to turn the scene on in the evening.


Family.KPL2.E: Responder

Family.KPL2.D: Responder

Family.SWLD.Sconce: Responder

Family.KPL2.H: Controller

RL1.D: Controller

Family.LL.TablelampNorth: Responder

Living.LL.FloorlampNorth: Responder

Living.LL.FloorlampSouth: Responder

Family.KPL2.A: Responder

Family.KPL2.C: Responder

Family.KPL2.B: Responder


Apparently, having a controller and responder on the same KPL is causing unexpected (to me) results. I thought that two buttons on a KPL are two 'unrelated' Insteon 'devices'.


Here are my two observations and questions:

1. In the Admin Console, if I hightlight the Remotelinc button in the scene, I see five responders in the bottom of the main window - all five lights show up. The KPL A-button load shows up as "Family.KPL2.A". When I highlight the other controller in the scene (Family.KPL2.H), only four of the responders show up in the main window. The KPL "A" button is missing. Why would this responder not appear?

2. After the program turns on all five lights, the KPL has 6 button LEDs on which is what I expect. If I press-and-hold the "H" button (the controller), all five lights dim. If I then let go of the "H" button and then press-and-hold it again, four of the lights brighten. The light that is the load on the KPL "A" button dims again. So on the same press-and-hold, I have dimming and brightening at the same time. This gets my "mood" lighting out of sync (and anyone at home gets out of the mood). Why would the KPL load light not respond like all the others?

(All lights are set the same in the scene with the same non-zero on level)


Thanks -


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Hi Scott,


I am not sure why you would have all KPL buttons as controllers in the same scene as it defeats the purpose of KPL scenes (they are all either lit or are off).


I think you would want to make different scenes for each one of the KPL buttons when they control specific devices. Then, you can have programs that run for each specific scene.


With kind regards,


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While doing extensive testing on #2420 Motion Sensors I noticed that an LED brightness value of 0 results in full brightness matching 255. A setting of 1 is very very dim as one would expect and 100 is somewhere in the middle. See http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... 3871#23871 for more details.


I would think 0 should be as dim as possible, not full brightness again.

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Hi Illusion,


Thanks so very much. I am going to have this checked out but I know that depending on the MS firmware, these values might not be as consistent as they should be.


With kind regards,


While doing extensive testing on #2420 Motion Sensors I noticed that an LED brightness value of 0 results in full brightness matching 255. A setting of 1 is very very dim as one would expect and 100 is somewhere in the middle. See http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... 3871#23871 for more details.


I would think 0 should be as dim as possible, not full brightness again.

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I don't have more than 1 KPL button as controller in a scene. I have one KPL button as a controller. I have 5 KPL buttons in the scene as responders. The reason is that I have five other scenes each of which have one of those KPL buttons as a controller (and one of the lights as a responder). In the 'sixth' scene that I describe above, I turn on all five lights so to indicate that on the KPL, I designate the five buttons as responders.


I think that your point probably comes down to the fact that I should have the program turn on each of the five 'individual' scenes rather than create a new 'combined' scene. This probably makes more sense although an advantage of my sixth scene is that I end up with a single KPL button (controller) that can dim/brighten all five lights.


There still seems to be unexplained inconsistencies described by my two points in the description. Can you shed any light on these two observations?



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Hi Scott,


1. What is the version of your KPL? versions <1.65 only allow for the KPL load via secondary buttons to be the same as the local level and rate.


2. This sounds like a bug in the hardware itself. I can occasionally reproduce this using a KPL v1.65. I never noticed it before because I didn't have a load connected to the KPL.




Apparently, having a controller and responder on the same KPL is causing unexpected (to me) results. I thought that two buttons on a KPL are two 'unrelated' Insteon 'devices'.


Here are my two observations and questions:

1. In the Admin Console, if I hightlight the Remotelinc button in the scene, I see five responders in the bottom of the main window - all five lights show up. The KPL A-button load shows up as "Family.KPL2.A". When I highlight the other controller in the scene (Family.KPL2.H), only four of the responders show up in the main window. The KPL "A" button is missing. Why would this responder not appear?

2. After the program turns on all five lights, the KPL has 6 button LEDs on which is what I expect. If I press-and-hold the "H" button (the controller), all five lights dim. If I then let go of the "H" button and then press-and-hold it again, four of the lights brighten. The light that is the load on the KPL "A" button dims again. So on the same press-and-hold, I have dimming and brightening at the same time. This gets my "mood" lighting out of sync (and anyone at home gets out of the mood). Why would the KPL load light not respond like all the others?

(All lights are set the same in the scene with the same non-zero on level)


Thanks -


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1. The admin console indicates my KPL Dimmer is V.26. How does this relate to the 1.65? Do i need to pull out the KPL to see a version number? Does the restriction that you mention about old KPLs explain why I see the A button when highlighting the Remotelinc but not when i highlight the KPL H button?


2. As far as you know, is this hardware issue fixed in later KPLs? Is this something I should discuss with Smarthome (and see if they'll replace the KPL with a newer version)?


Thanks for the help!



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