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Programs did not show in Admin Console Until After ISY Reboot


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Several weeks ago I replaced a failing PLM on firmware 4.7.3. All worked well and as I recall I did reboot the ISY after all worked as expected as a "good measure"

Last night I had to enable my Christmas programs and when I clicked on Programs, none of my programs showed up! All of my programs have been and were working/running as they should but nothing appeared.

I rebooted my ISY and checked again and all my programs reappeared and I was able to enable and modify my seasonal programs.

Is something possibly failing in my ISY? I have not had this behavior before and I do not recall reading about such a thing in the forums and could not find a topic after an STF. But something about this reminds of reading about a memory card issue and something not appearing as usual.

Thanks again for any thoughts.


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