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Noob question


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Hi All,


I've been following the ISY on the forums for a few months now and I'm almost ready to pull the trigger and just get my own :) but I have a quick question...


Is this possible, I want to be able to set the way a light responds based on the time of day. For example after 11pm in the evening my bathroom light when switched on will only come on 25%, but after 6am it will come on full when switched on?


I'm new to this space so apologies if this is a standard feature of either Insteon or the ISY... I did try and search but couldn't find anything.





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Hello Brian,


Yes, it is possible in our 2.5 release which we are now beta testing and which you can use to test your scenario.


With kind regards,




Hi All,


I've been following the ISY on the forums for a few months now and I'm almost ready to pull the trigger and just get my own :) but I have a quick question...


Is this possible, I want to be able to set the way a light responds based on the time of day. For example after 11pm in the evening my bathroom light when switched on will only come on 25%, but after 6am it will come on full when switched on?


I'm new to this space so apologies if this is a standard feature of either Insteon or the ISY... I did try and search but couldn't find anything.





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