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PGC Ring updated?


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I noticed in PGC Store that the Ring NS is now version 1.1.3 vs the 1.1.0 that I have installed  How do I upgrade to the newest version?  Do I delete current and install newest or just install newest?  I tried just stopping and restarting NS but that did not show any version upgrade happened.

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On start:

  logBucket: 'pgc-prod-logbucket-[REDACTED_DATA]',
  url: 'https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/ring-nodeserver.git',
  isyPassword: '[REDACTED_DATA]',
  development: false,
  language: 'node',
  userId: '[REDACTED_DATA]',
  timeAdded: 1561760405240,
  oauth: '<oAuth config>',
  isyVersion: '5.0.15',
  longPoll: 120,
  name: 'Ring',
  shortPoll: 60,
  timeStarted: 0,
  version: '1.1.0',
  id: '00:21:b9:00:f0:9c',
  nodes: '<nodes>',
     publicIp: '' },
   { publicPort: 30492,
   { oauth:
     httpsIngress: 'https://pgc-ns-ingress.isy.io/ns/[REDACTED_DATA]/',
        created_at: 1579398192,
      { access_token:
        token_type: 'Bearer',

This was after receiving the code from Git.

Clearly - it's identifying as version 1.1.0.



After restarting it and it came back up - still 1.1.0:



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On 1/18/2020 at 9:37 PM, MWareman said:

Interesting - package.json lists version 1.1.3:



server.json (https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/ring-nodeserver/blob/master/server.json) contains version 1.,1.3 and profile_version 1.1.0:


Is this just a display bug in PGC?


Looks like a PGC bug where the version number is not updated.

But clearly, the nodeserver is indeed updated to 1.1.3.



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10 minutes ago, MWareman said:

Just to be clear, the images are taken from the git repository.

How can I check the actual version installed as it reports in the UI as 1.1.0?


1. Search for the postback url in the log:

2020-01-20 03:41:12 info: NS: Starting Subscription with postback URL https://pgc-ns-ingress.isy.io/ns/ring-<uuid>-1/event

2. Try the url in a browser, but replace "event" by "test". You should get a message saying the test is successful. This simply tests the communication to the nodeserver.

3. Now try the url in a browser once again, but remove "event", let the url finish with the forward slash. You should get a message saying "Node server is healthy". If so, this confirms you are running 1.1.3.


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14 minutes ago, MWareman said:

Just to be clear, the images are taken from the git repository.

How can I check the actual version installed as it reports in the UI as 1.1.0?


With PGC currently you can't.  This is a bug where a nodeserver version does NOT get updated in Polyglot dashboard.  The actual code running does get updated anytime the nodeserver is  stopped and started as each time it pulls the code from git.  The only way for the Polyglot dashboard to show the proper version is to REMOVE/DELETE the Nodeserver and then re-install.  Then the version will update to the current/correct version. 

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9 minutes ago, bmercier said:

1. Search for the postback url in the log:

2020-01-20 03:41:12 info: NS: Starting Subscription with postback URL https://pgc-ns-ingress.isy.io/ns/ring-<uuid>-1/event

2. Try the url in a browser, but replace "event" by "test". You should get a message saying the test is successful. This simply tests the communication to the nodeserver.

3. Now try the url in a browser once again, but remove "event", let the url finish with the forward slash. You should get a message saying "Node server is healthy". If so, this confirms you are running 1.1.3.


All tests matched your steps - so if this confirms 1.1.3 then I'm good. 

Hopefully the PGC version display bug can be fixed soon.


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  • 4 months later...
On 1/19/2020 at 10:40 PM, bmercier said:

You are definitely using 1.1.3.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm still running 1.1.0 based on everything in the gui and in the log.  Might explain why its not worked in weeks.  How do I get the Ring  PGC node server fixed?



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11 hours ago, hart2hart said:

I'm still running 1.1.0 based on everything in the gui and in the log.  Might explain why its not worked in weeks.  How do I get the Ring  PGC node server fixed?



Delete and reinstall the nodeserver.

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Delete and reinstall the nodeserver.

I added 2nd Ring Outdoor Cam with existing cam and doorbell. The cam motion node is not showing in PGC or obviously ISY. I’ve stopped and started node several times. If delete and add back is required will I need to redo folders ring associated programs?
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23 minutes ago, hart2hart said:
On 6/3/2020 at 8:53 AM, bmercier said:
Delete and reinstall the nodeserver.


I added 2nd Ring Outdoor Cam with existing cam and doorbell. The cam motion node is not showing in PGC or obviously ISY. I’ve stopped and started node several times. If delete and add back is required will I need to redo folders ring associated programs?

They may have to be edited and re-saved.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I recently update the Ring PGC to version 1.3.0 via a delete and re-install. The stop and start did not not seem to update the version as expected. However, i am now not able to authenticate with my Ring account. I get the blue message and follow it to my Ring account and grant permission. After i do this, PGC goes into an infinite loop that never returns, and I have to kill the session and log back in to get access again. A single node appears in the ISY994 - for the controller only. I have changed slots with no change to results. I have also deleted and installed again with no effect. The previous version was working fine. What's next to get this working again?





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On 6/17/2020 at 9:51 PM, kcrimson said:


I recently update the Ring PGC to version 1.3.0 via a delete and re-install. The stop and start did not not seem to update the version as expected. However, i am now not able to authenticate with my Ring account. I get the blue message and follow it to my Ring account and grant permission. After i do this, PGC goes into an infinite loop that never returns, and I have to kill the session and log back in to get access again. A single node appears in the ISY994 - for the controller only. I have changed slots with no change to results. I have also deleted and installed again with no effect. The previous version was working fine. What's next to get this working again?


I would suggest to try again, I think there have been issues recently with PGC itself that are now resolved.

If you still have a problem after, we need to see what the Ring nodeserver logs are saying.

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9 hours ago, kcrimson said:

Logins are working now - due to certificate update.

Still no luck on initializing the new version of the PGC Ring. I have attached the real time log file from PGC. There are some socket errors that flash by in red that do not appear in the log when the PGC Ring is installed.


ring-0021b90202a2-6.txt 10.77 kB · 3 downloads

Do you get the authorization notice with the link?

If so, are you able to login with your Ring credentials when authorizing?


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Good morning.

Yes - I do get the authorization notice to connect to Ring. I follow that link to Ring, login, and then authorize on the Ring side.


I then login and receive the following Ring dialog box.


After I select "authorize" here, that is when it returns to PGC and starts the endless loop above.

Thanks for your attention on this.


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