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Can the ISY restart or shutdown a XP PC? Similar to WOL?


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I am using Homeseer to do periodic reboots & shutdowns on my system.


I use this command to restart my homeseer server:


c:\windows\system32\shutdown.exe -r -f -t 01


I use this to shutdown:


c:\windows\system32\shutdown.exe -s -f -t 01


Can the ISY send this signal out itself? It would be very helpful to me.


The WOL works perfect even from a complete shutdown. I was curious if I can use some sort of network signal to shut & restart an XP PC on my network?




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Hi Rich,


Unfortunately ISY cannot shutdown your system unless you have a resident program running on your computer which listens for instructions from a network port (just like WOL). i.e. a program that listens to port 555 and when given your authorization and your command, it shuts down your computer.


With kind regards,


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