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HDS and Missing Heartbeat

Derek Atkins

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Since I cannot re-open an old thread (even though I'm having similar issues)...

I've got 3 hidden door sensors, version v.47..  I've got a program looking for both On and Off heartbeat messages.  Each of these HDS devices is within 5 feet of a dual-band device.  The devices are new, so batteries are fresh.  I get open/close notifications just fine 100% of the time, but I have not received any heartbeat notifications from these devices.

Is there a known issue with v.47?  Did I get a bad link, or bad (set of) devices?

If I go to Tools -> Diagnostics -> Show ISY Links Table and choose one of the HDS devices I get 5 entries listed, which appears to be nodes 1, 3, and 4 of the main device, and then the scene it's tied to, followed by all zeros (end of record?).

If I go to Show PLM Links Table I also see all 3 entries for this device:  A2 XX <devID> 10 11 47 for XX = 01, 03, and 04.  However even though I get On/Off notifications on 01, I don't get anything on the heartbeat node (04).

Any ideas?

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I have 6 of those things and can not get one of them to work no matter what I do. A couple that I did get working that weren't,  I put them in pairing mode and changed the options, HB every hour and 3 retries of the HB and they work flawlessly now. So I have 5 that report so the odd ball is on the laundry room door that just turns on the light. They are various versions.

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11 hours ago, markv58 said:

I have 6 of those things and can not get one of them to work no matter what I do. A couple that I did get working that weren't,  I put them in pairing mode and changed the options, HB every hour and 3 retries of the HB and they work flawlessly now. So I have 5 that report so the odd ball is on the laundry room door that just turns on the light. They are various versions.

That's so weird!  I will try to do that.  Did you set the heartbeat timer from the ISY Options setting?  When I go to that page it says "5 minutes" as the heartbeat interval, but I can't believe that's accurate.  These HDSs are clearly not as, umm, resiliant, as the other Insteon products I've got.

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43 minutes ago, Derek Atkins said:

That's so weird!  I will try to do that.  Did you set the heartbeat timer from the ISY Options setting?  When I go to that page it says "5 minutes" as the heartbeat interval, but I can't believe that's accurate.  These HDSs are clearly not as, umm, resiliant, as the other Insteon products I've got.

The Options button on the sensor page gets you some of that and then right click on the device in the left panel and select Advanced / PLM Communication, you can set the retries there. Make sure to Write to the device before you get out of pairing mode.

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  • 3 weeks later...
10 hours ago, Derek Atkins said:

Apparently my HDS devices are sending a FastOff for the heartbeat and not an Off.   No resolution, yet, on why this is or what to do about it.

If they're sending a FastOff, can't you just change your heartbeat program to not only look for On and Off but also FastOn and FastOff?

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5 hours ago, kclenden said:

If they're sending a FastOff, can't you just change your heartbeat program to not only look for On and Off but also FastOn and FastOff?

I would, but I don't see how to do that.  I am runnig 5.0.16c, and when I go to Programs -> Details in the admin console and try to edit the program condition, when I choose [Or] [Control] [... Heartbeat] [XX] [YY], my only options for XX are "is" and "is not", and the only options for [YY] are "Off" and "On".  This of course turns into "is switched On' above when added.  Nowhere do I see how to select FastOn or FastOff in the selector box.  Is there an alternate method to enter programs?

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11 hours ago, Derek Atkins said:

Is there an alternate method to enter programs?

I just checked one of my devices that has a heartbeat and indeed the only CONTROL options I can choose are ON and OFF.  Looks like you'll have to request that UDI add FASTON and FASTOFF as control options for heartbeat nodes.  Have you confirmed that your device is sending a FASTOFF by leaving the Event Viewer open on Level 3?

@Michel Kohanim - What's the proper avenue for @Derek Atkins to request additional CONTROL options for a device?

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41 minutes ago, kclenden said:

I just checked one of my devices that has a heartbeat and indeed the only CONTROL options I can choose are ON and OFF.  Looks like you'll have to request that UDI add FASTON and FASTOFF as control options for heartbeat nodes.  Have you confirmed that your device is sending a FASTOFF by leaving the Event Viewer open on Level 3?

@Michel Kohanim - What's the proper avenue for @Derek Atkins to request additional CONTROL options for a device?

There is a "Feature Request" thread for that usually.

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57 minutes ago, larryllix said:

There is a "Feature Request" thread for that usually.

Doesn't really seem like a feature request to me.  Seems way too simple to be considered a feature.  Not really a bug either since the FASTOFF being sent seems to be undocumented.

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16 minutes ago, kclenden said:

Doesn't really seem like a feature request to me.  Seems way too simple to be considered a feature.  Not really a bug either since the FASTOFF being sent seems to be undocumented.

That was the thread most features and updates were requested and UDI would respond fairly regularly.

OTOH we never had the @XXXXXX attention getter back then either.

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12 hours ago, kclenden said:

 Have you confirmed that your device is sending a FASTOFF by leaving the Event Viewer open on Level 3?

I confirmed it via Level 1, not Level 3. Running Level 3 my admin console would log off every few hours.  But even in Level 1, it said DFOF and not DOF, which was confirmed as Fast Off.  I've got an open report with UDI via their support system so @Michel Kohanim and crew aware of this.

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