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ISY Portal slow or not connecting

Ed Sybesma

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For at least the last three days, I have had difficulty accessing or using ISY Portal, especially to connect to Alexa.  Often it will not connect to my ISY at all. When I am connected, at least briefly, I receive various error messages including 500, 501, and others I don't recall currently. At other times, the connections to Alexa are very slow and Alexa returns (several different) verbal error messages.  Sometimes Alexa commands don't work at all.  Other times they can take 1 to 10 minutes before execution.

Is this a known issue?

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As a follow-up to my original post, and in partial response to the reply of Bumbershoot (thank you), I have put my local Internet service through multiple tests. It is operating dependably with high reported upload and download times and low latency.  I have been using it extensively for other purposes and have had no problems.  My ISY appears to be working perfectly.  My Ring doorbell, which is connected to Alexa (not through ISY) is working properly.  MobiLinc Pro is working properly (through both cellular and wireless connections).  My LAN is working without problem.  As best I can tell, I have ruled out all of the other obvious potential causes of this problem, yet it still persists.

Does anyone have any ideas what else I might test?

Thanks in advance.

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I just ran some tests, and I can use Alexa to control devices here with what seems to be a latency of approx. one second.  I ran a ping test to my.isy.io and the average ping response was 74.5 ms.  It appears that the portal is up and responding normally, at least for me.  Are your ping times to the UDI Portal similar? 

--- portal-1452145500.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com ping statistics ---
15 packets transmitted, 15 received, 0% packet loss, time 35ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 72.558/74.580/79.807/2.097 ms

I can only imagine that something is amiss between your ISY and the UDI Portal.  If it's not too disruptive, you might reboot your ISY to see if things improve (admittedly a blunt force approach).   The only other thing I can think of would be that the UDI Portal isn't resolving correctly by your primary DNS servers for some reason, which might increase latency.

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Bumbershoot, thanks again for your reply.  I have rebooted everything in my house (including my ISY) multiple times.

My ping times are similar to yours:

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 74ms, Maximum = 75ms, Average = 74ms

Based upon your last line, regarding ISY Portal not resolving correctly, I am guessing that the best test of that would be to simply delete my account and create a new one.  (Talk about what force!)  Unless you know an easier way? 

And, again, thanks so much for your help.

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Excellent suggestions both.  UDI support has always been very good, but so many others are so bad that product support is often the last place I think of to go for help.

I did try unlinking and relinking the skill but, alas, that didn't help.

So, on to UDI support.

Thanks once again.

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