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Un-Managed Node Servers - How To Delete


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I have a test bed set up to allow me to test out various platforms before committing it to full production. Somewhere down the line the ISY Series Controller / Polyisy became confused and would not allow me to delete a node server. For the benefit of the members what is the best practices to delete / remove a node server that is registered and showing in the ISY Series Controller? I literally tried everything I could see to remove the node from the ISY & Polyisy.

Neither of the units would allow the node server to be deleted and declared random errors.

Given, this is a test bed it didn't matter too much but was frustrated in not being to complete what should be a simple task. I get the sense this is something like how way back in the day when Microsoft outlined how programs should gracefully and cleanly uninstall when asked to do so. Anyone who has ever worked on a Windows machine knows not everyone follows these guidelines with respect to a clean uninstall.

So, once again how does one remove / delete a node server from both machines per spec? Should said process fail what is the back up plan of removing said node server and all of its remains? In this instance I simply wiped the ISY Series Controller as there was no direct method I could see and didn't know if the system files held some registry key to list / delete.


When I had unmanaged node servers I was able to delete them by clicking on the node server drop down menu in the admin console and delete them from the node server list.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk


This should work, and by “should” I mean a delete in the Admin Console May fail trying to remove the nodes from the (non-existent) node server, but it should delete the nodeserver from the ISY regardless of what errors occur. As far as the ISY is concerned, nodeservers on Polyglot and Polisy are just a bunch of asynchronous REST interfaces that could disappear at any time.

When I had unmanaged node servers I was able to delete them by clicking on the node server drop down menu in the admin console and delete them from the node server list.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

The Admin console had nothing listed to delete. The only thing present was a few random nodes in the device tree. Which could not be deleted at all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The Admin console had nothing listed to delete. The only thing present was a few random nodes in the device tree. Which could not be deleted at all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There is nothing listed in the nodeserver menu?

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk


When I deleted my ecobee NS there was removal menus in  the Polyglot admin console. The NS store had a "Uninstall" button beside the ecobee NS, instead of "Install".

After that was done there were two more steps shown on the PG  Home page. IIRC One to remove it from Polyglot and one to pull the nodes out of ISY.

Somewhere along the process it deleted most of the related programs from my ISY, left them in the memory, but removed them from the program tree and summary pages. They were hard to remove and ISY error log recorded them every time it booted up.UDI could not reproduce the program deletion.

I finally unzipped a backup, deleted the programs found in the error log, zipped it back up and used restore. Back to a clean system again.





In the Admin Console under the node servers listings for both tabs there wasn't anything listed. As others had mentioned the first thing I did was go to the Polisy and select from the dashboard the uninstall. Following others lead waited maybe 5 ~ 10 minutes to let the system do whatever it does until complete. For good measure I rebooted ISY Series Controller first than the Polisy to ensure nothing was held in high memory etc.

This issue had to do with the local Weather Flow node server which I wasn't able to get to work. From there I decided to go install the cloud version via the Poly Cloud but there seems to be issues with that version too where nodes do not show any metrics / data. Bob has acknowledged there appears to be some unknown issue with this and other Poly Cloud node servers.

When I get home I'll try to upload a few image captures of what was seen on that ISY Series Controller before I wiped it clean. Appreciate everyone's insight and feedback as I was really hoping to get this hammered down and have enough experience to deploy the same enmass.    


When the first batch of Polisy first shipped, there were three nodeservers left in the Polyglot database (DarkSky, SolarEdge and ISY Portal).  The result was that there were three "Unmanaged" nodeservers in the default installation that could not be gotten rid of my means of the various menu options on the Polisy or ISY.  In order to remove those "ghost" nodeservers, their database entries had to be deleted.  This might be what you're looking at.  Look at the top of this post for syntax on deleting the "Unmanaged" nodeservers:

EDIT: Caveat, this WORKED FOR ME, but doing so may light your Polisy on fire, empty your fridge, flatten your tires, kick your dog, etc.  If every other trace of these nodeservers is gone but the "Unmanaged" entry, then this may be your remaining option.

10 minutes ago, Bumbershoot said:

When the first batch of Polisy first shipped, there were three nodeservers left in the Polyglot database (DarkSky, SolarEdge and ISY Portal).  The result was that there were three "Unmanaged" nodeservers in the default installation that could not be gotten rid of my means of the various menu options on the Polisy or ISY.  In order to remove those "ghost" nodeservers, their database entries had to be deleted.  This might be what you're looking at.  Look at the top of this post for syntax on deleting the "Unmanaged" nodeservers:

EDIT: Caveat, this WORKED FOR ME, but doing so may light your Polisy on fire, empty your fridge, flatten your tires, kick your dog, etc.  If every other trace of these nodeservers is gone but the "Unmanaged" entry, then this may be your remaining option.

Hi Bumbershoot,

You know its funny you reference DarkSky and ISY Portal because those are two of the node servers I wanted to try and did install. Neither of these seemed to work at all and also made a thread about the DarkSky and Bob did chime in about seeing the same issues in the past. I have already hard reset the controller so the ghost nodes are all gone so will try other node servers to see how they operate etc.

Thank You!


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