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Device missing, and can't re-add

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I'm honestly not sure how long this has been the case, but I have an inline relay Insteon device which as far as I can tell should already be in my ISY994i, but which just isn't showing up. Its only controller is a button on an 8-button panel. There's a scene set up for it in the ISY. The scene doesn't show the responder device; the responder device isn't listed in the network. If I look at the links on the device, I can actually see the correct address, but just can't find the device itself.

Communication to said relay has been *really* flaky, and I would like to try troubleshooting it, but without having the device visible in the admin console, I'm not even sure where to start.

I've tried to add the device, but I get an error in the event viewer saying "Device already added, ignored". What can I do to get this thing back to the land of the living so I can start poking and prodding it to figure out why it's no longer reliable?

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On 2/17/2020 at 1:13 PM, Michel Kohanim said:


First, sort the device table by Address. This way, you can find your device.

What I recommend, and barring defective devices works over 95% of the time, is to move your PLM to a different outlet and one which is not shared with other transformers and power supplies.

With kind regards,

Huh. Okay, thanks for that. I feel stupid now. I have two separate sets of lights; one of them is on the in-line and the other, I didn't think about its connection because it was working. Turns out the in-line was working fine, controlling the other lights. Found the correct thing to try to add; now I have to figure out if this is a faulty module. Thanks for the suggestion!

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