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Email Date and Time Variable Updated


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Wondering if there is a way to email the last time a variable was updated in the ISY.  I looked through the drop down menu for adding information to an email but either I missed it or there is nothing available to email that information.

I was thinking it would be useful to know when a variable was updated in the ISY using a rest command from a RPI.  I send data from my tags to variables and then email those values.  Would be nice to know the last time the variables were updated.

Thanks to anyone who might know the answer.

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If it is a state variable just make a program

  variable x is 0
  send email
  send email


Every time the variable x changes, it sends an email.  You can embed the value of that variable in the email if you want using variable substitution syntax found in the wiki.

If it is an integer variable, then you will need to use something else as the trigger.  Like whatever program changes the integer value can also send the email.

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You are  thinking out of the box whereas I was still in the box.  Yes this will work for me.  I have an email that i get twice a day in which I was thinking of including the time the variable was updated.  Instead, i will use your method and get the information every time a state variable is updated.

Very much appreciated!


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