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Forgot how to do this


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Hey Guys.

I need a little help here.

I've just redone my system and don't have a backup of a favourite program of mine.

Here's what it did.

I would push a KPL G button (in a toggle off mode to keep the LED off)

and it would shut off all the lights, wait five seconds, then turn on the night scene.


I've tried to reporduce it but for some reason it won't trigger again.

I know I have some small thing wrong that makes it just sit there and do nothing but I can't figure it out.


I'm at work right now so I can't post what I have, sorry.


Let me know if anyone knows how to do this, again.



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So you've got two scenes and one program. The first scene, All Lights, has that KeypadLinc button G as a controller, all other lights in the house as responders. The second scene, Night Scene, has all the lights you want to turn on.


The program would say:


       Control 'KeypadLinc G' is switched Off

       Wait  5 seconds
       Set Scene 'Night Scene' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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So if I have this right,

Make a scene with all the lights in it set to 0%

That scene is controlled by the KPL G (nontoggle off so it always shuts off all the lights, no matter what, correct?)


and the KPL G triggers the second scene which is the night scene.


Just want to be straight about it. And to totally understand what I'm doing so I don't have to keep asking simple questions.

Trying to get a bit of an education, that's all.


Thanks. I'll try it tonight and let you know how it goes.


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So if I have this right,

Make a scene with all the lights in it set to 0%

That scene is controlled by the KPL G (nontoggle off so it always shuts off all the lights, no matter what, correct?)


That's just making more work. You don't need to set any dim level on the lights in that scene controlled by KPL G, since you are never sending an ON code to adjust to that level. In non-toggle OFF mode you are always going to set devices in the scene to OFF.


BTW, is there a reason you want all the lights to turn off for 5 seconds? If not, the alternative is to forget the second scene completely and just create one program and a single scene with all the lights in it adjusted as you want--the ones you want off, use a 0% dim level, and the ones you want on set to that.

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So the non toggle off would shut everything off everytime its pressed?


And now I'm second guessing why I had a second scene.

I put the second scene in because I had another program that basically said,

If its sunrise -20 minutes, and scene Night scene is true,

then shut off Night scene.


I put in the wait 5 seconds because I had a 6.5 second ramp down.


So I can have the G button non toggle off shut off all the lights and leave a few at 20% or so?



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So the non toggle off would shut everything off everytime its pressed?

Correct, all devices in the scene the button is controller for.


So I can have the G button non toggle off shut off all the lights and leave a few at 20% or so?

No, not if it's sending an OFF command to the scene (assuming the "20%" devices are part of the scene). An OFF will turn off all devices in the scene. An ON will cause each device to go to the programmed on level for that scene (whether that is 100% or 20% or 0%), which I believe is what fitzpatri8 was talking about.



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So I can have the G button non toggle off shut off all the lights and leave a few at 20% or so?




Not directly, since you cannot have an Off button directly tell another Insteon device to turn on.


Instead, you'd have the off control trigger the program that ran the nighttime scene.

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I have the KPL G a non toggle off and its the controller of the all off scene. That much works great.

But it won't trigger my nighttime scene. I'm not sure why.

Here's what I have.




Control 'Entryway KPL G' is switched Off



Wait 3 seconds

Set Scene 'Nighttime' On



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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The G button is only the controller for the "ALL OFF" scene.

I don't have a controller for the Nighttime scene.

I was hoping to have the Nighttime Scene triggered from a program triggered from the switching off of the G Button. Is that not possible?



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The G button is only the controller for the "ALL OFF" scene.

I don't have a controller for the Nighttime scene.

I was hoping to have the Nighttime Scene triggered from a program triggered from the switching off of the G Button. Is that not possible?



I've pretty much come to the conclusion that, with the ISY, anything is possible. :D


What I was suggesting is that you just add any devices that are in the All Off scene to the Nighttime Scene, using an "on" level of Off. Then when the keypad sends the OFF to the ISY, the power line would be free of competing control signals and the ISY would just need to execute a single scene to get all devices in their correct state.

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So every insteon device is in a scene, all but four would be set to 0%.

The four are set to 20%,

and then have a program that says at sunrise - 20 minutes, if the nighttime scene is true, shut it off.

(I'm not sure how to word that one but I'll get to that after I get this done).


I also want the LED of the G button to be off when the nighttime scene is on.

Is that a Non toggle on? I would also like the scene to to shut off the LEDS of other KPLs as well as the lights themselves. Do I just put the KPL B KPL C etc... buttons in the scene as responders?


Thanks for your patience in this topic. I'm not very good at this stuff sometimes.


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No worries--I'm still pretty new at this too, but you get used to it.


So here's the plan. A non-toggle OFF button on the KPL will only turn devices off. That's why you don't want to make it a controller for your scene that has some units turning off, others turning on.


Instead, you want the KPL G to not be in any scenes. All you want is for it to trigger an ISY program that reads:


       Control 'KeypadLinc G' is switched Off

       Set Scene 'Nighttime Scene' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


No signal conflicts this way, the KPL G sends just one device the KPL G Off signal. When ISY gets it, it sends out a single Nighttime Scene ON Group ON command, and the devices in the scene all start adjusting themselves to match the scene all at the same time.

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Still no luck.

I did however find the original forum where I learned how to do it in the first place.


http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... ight=#9456


But when I try to do it again it doesnt work at all now.



I have the G (non toggle off) as the controller in an ALL OFF scene.

It shuts everything off fine (except one problem which I'll talk about later)


That half is great.


But then I have this



Control 'Entryway KPL G' is switched Off



Set Scene 'Nighttime' On



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


This doesnt trigger at all.


I dont understand why it doesnt work now. I followed Darrell's direction again but no dice.


Here's the problem with the ALL OFF scene. It shuts everything off except the load on the same KPL. It turns off the A button KPL but not the actual light that the A button turns on and off.


That goes right over my head. To be fair, most things do but that one really does.haha


I'd love to get this working again. It was my best program sadly.


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Okay so here's the public flogging of Drew.

I've already PM'ed fitzpatri8 so this really for the benefit of others that might have the same problem and can't find a solution.


None of my programs were working after a power outage.

I removed and redid all of my devices as they had lost their memory regardless of what the PLM and ISY were telling them.


In my re programming, I accidently typed a line from one of my programs in the wrong spot.

I actually typed it ONTO the PROGRAMS FOLDER itself, making it a condition of any program in that folder.

Thus nothing would run because the condition would never be met.


Ouch. That just hurts the pride and ego to type that.





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I am glad to read that you found the problem Drew. You had me wondering.


In the not too distant future we are going to apply a symbol to folder icons that will indicate when there are Conditions on the folder.


Thanks for the update,



Okay so here's the public flogging of Drew.

I've already PM'ed fitzpatri8 so this really for the benefit of others that might have the same problem and can't find a solution.


None of my programs were working after a power outage.

I removed and redid all of my devices as they had lost their memory regardless of what the PLM and ISY were telling them.


In my re programming, I accidently typed a line from one of my programs in the wrong spot.

I actually typed it ONTO the PROGRAMS FOLDER itself, making it a condition of any program in that folder.

Thus nothing would run because the condition would never be met.


Ouch. That just hurts the pride and ego to type that.





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