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Subscriber didn't reply to event: 1

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I routinely get the error message "Subscriber didn't reply to event: 1" when trying to login to the console on Mac. I've updated to the latest RC firmware.

It keeps looping back to "Authenticate ISY". I can get it to connect if I try about 40-50 times in a row, but it seems random. Also note, I've changed my userid/pw from admin/admin to something else, but not sure what that would have to do with it.

I am using Google Wifi (not sure it matters?), and have about 6-7 Z-wave devices + 2 insteon at the moment. Planning to add more but this is super buggy.

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@Michel Kohanim It's not something I can easily ignore. It happens *every single time* I try to login. Once I'm logged in, it's fine, but then if I want to login in a few hours it's the same annoying process of 50-100 cycles to get it to let me in. Sometimes it's 2 cycles, sometimes it's 50+.


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@Michel Kohanim I have just set up polyglot-v2, and also using isy integrations with homebridge (e.g., isy-maker).

Can only 1 thing be connected at a time? I shut down these subscriptions, and even power cycled my ISY, and STILL had trouble connected in the past. Sometimes, I also get a DHCP error when doing this or a Z-WAVE error when doing this in addition to the same "Subscriber didn't reply to event: 1" error.

It seems like a bug? I bought the pro version of ISY but it seems extremely glitchy. Strangely, it seems to be only the Java interface that has the trouble... the other interfaces are working fine. I wasn't extremely happy with the homebridge integrations, but I think it has more to do with isy-js and how it was integrated. For example, if I power cycle homebridge, only default values of state for zwave are returned. Anyway, still looking into it -- those issues I think have more to do w/ homebridge though -- but not being able to access the admin console is very frustrating.

I'm also trying to see if there's an MQTT protocol that I can use via polyglot-v2 to sync device states in a superior way. That way, I can use Node-RED for the homebridge integration and be done with homebridge plugins which may be more buggy anyway.

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Hi @Michel Kohanim, thanks for your support.

The DHCP issues seem to occur after network / wifi restart. It seems that if the router gets restarted, somehow ISY is not aware of that. I see this error:
"No network connection. DHCP state=RENEW"

This seems like a bug, somehow.

However, the subscription issue is not related to that.  Here's a snippet of my error log. The -5012 errors I think are these same subscription errors. They do seem to increment sequentially. You can see I'm eventually able to get in after a LOT of tries. Very painfully frustrating.

Sat 2020/03/21 04:02:49 PM	System	-5012	26	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:03:17 PM	System	-5012	27	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:03:35 PM	System	-5012	28	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:03:54 PM	System	-5012	29	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:06:29 PM	System	-5012	31	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:06:47 PM	System	-5012	32	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:07:06 PM	System	-5012	33	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:07:25 PM	System	-5012	34	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:07:46 PM	System	-5012	35	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:08:05 PM	System	-5012	36	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:08:24 PM	System	-5012	37	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:08:43 PM	System	-5012	38	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:09:03 PM	System	-5012	39	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:09:23 PM	System	-5012	40	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:09:43 PM	System	-5012	41	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:10:04 PM	System	-5012	42	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:10:25 PM	System	-5012	43	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:10:45 PM	System	-5012	44	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:11:06 PM	System	-5012	45	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:11:28 PM	System	-5012	46	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:11:51 PM	System	-5012	47	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:12:14 PM	System	-5012	48	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:12:37 PM	System	-5012	49	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:13:00 PM	System	-5012	50	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:13:22 PM	System	-5012	51	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:13:45 PM	System	-5012	52	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:14:07 PM	System	-5012	53	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:14:32 PM	System	-5012	54	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:14:55 PM	System	-5012	55	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:20:56 PM	System	-5012	57	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:21:15 PM	System	-5012	58	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:21:35 PM	System	-5012	59	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:22:02 PM	System	-5012	60	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:22:56 PM	System	-5012	61	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:23:15 PM	System	-5012	62	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:23:44 PM	System	-5012	63	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:23:50 PM	System	-5006	uuid:63	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:23:59 PM	System	-5012	64	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:27:08 PM	System	-5012	65	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:39:33 PM	System	-5	Start	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:39:34 PM	System	-110022	/CONF/INSTENG.OPT	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:39:34 PM	System	-110012	/CONF/INSTENG.OPT	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:39:38 PM	System	-110022	/DEF/F6/I1/NLS/EN_US.TXT	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:39:41 PM	System	-170001	[Network] Established	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:39:41 PM	System	-110022	/CONF/PORTALS.PSF	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:39:42 PM	System	-251001	RX-U 010B000A03000302	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:40:19 PM	System	-5012	26	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:40:38 PM	System	-5012	27	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:40:57 PM	System	-5012	28	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:41:16 PM	System	-5012	29	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:41:34 PM	System	-5012	30	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:41:53 PM	System	-5012	31	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:42:14 PM	System	-5012	32	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:42:37 PM	System	-5012	33	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:42:58 PM	System	-5012	34	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:43:21 PM	System	-5012	35	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:43:43 PM	System	-5012	36	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:44:03 PM	System	-5012	37	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:44:14 PM	System	-5012	38	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:44:39 PM	System	-5012	39	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:45:03 PM	System	-5012	40	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:45:27 PM	System	-5012	41	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:45:49 PM	System	-5012	42	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:46:07 PM	System	-170001	[HTTP:0-33-5]>80	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:46:07 PM	System	-170001	[HTTP:0-33]: POST[1]-->/services	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:46:07 PM	System	-170001	<s:Envelope><s:Body><u:Authenticate xmlns:u="ur	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:46:08 PM	System	-170001	[HTTP:0-33-5]>80	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:46:08 PM	System	-170001	[HTTP:0-33]: POST[1]-->/services	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:46:08 PM	System	-170001	<s:Envelope><s:Body><u:GetStartupTime xmlns:u="	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:46:09 PM	System	-170001	[HTTP:0-33-5]>80	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:46:09 PM	System	-170001	[HTTP:0-33]: POST[1]-->/services	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:46:09 PM	System	-170001	<s:Envelope><s:Body><u:GetNodesConfig xmlns:u="	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:46:10 PM	System	-170001	[HTTP:0-33-5]>80	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:46:10 PM	System	-170001	[HTTP:0-33]: POST[1]-->/services	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:46:10 PM	System	-170001	<s:Envelope><s:Body><u:GetSystemTime xmlns:u="u	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:46:11 PM	System	-170001	[HTTP:0-33-5]>80	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:46:11 PM	System	-170001	[HTTP:0-33]: POST[1]-->/services	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:46:11 PM	System	-170001	<s:Envelope><s:Body><u:GetAllD2D xmlns:u="urn:u	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:46:11 PM	System	-170001	[HTTP:0-33-5]>80	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:46:11 PM	System	-170001	[HTTP:0-33]: POST[1]-->/services	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:46:11 PM	System	-170001	<s:Envelope><s:Body><u:SetDebugLevel xmlns:u="u	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:46:12 PM	System	-5012	43	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:46:37 PM	System	-5012	44	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:47:00 PM	System	-5012	45	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:47:24 PM	System	-5012	46	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:47:47 PM	System	-5012	47	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:48:10 PM	System	-5012	48	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:48:23 PM	System	-5012	49	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:48:36 PM	System	-5012	50	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:49:03 PM	System	-5012	51	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:49:31 PM	System	-5012	52	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:49:52 PM	System	-5012	53	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:50:11 PM	System	-5012	54	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:50:29 PM	System	-5012	55	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:50:54 PM	System	-5012	56	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:51:40 PM	System	-5012	57	


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Here's another log from right now. Took me about 20 tries to get authenticated. Seems like all of the tries aren't necessarily in the error log, but still.


Sat 2020/03/21 04:46:12 PM	System	-5012	43	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:46:37 PM	System	-5012	44	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:47:00 PM	System	-5012	45	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:47:24 PM	System	-5012	46	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:47:47 PM	System	-5012	47	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:48:10 PM	System	-5012	48	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:48:23 PM	System	-5012	49	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:48:36 PM	System	-5012	50	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:49:03 PM	System	-5012	51	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:49:31 PM	System	-5012	52	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:49:52 PM	System	-5012	53	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:50:11 PM	System	-5012	54	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:50:29 PM	System	-5012	55	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:50:54 PM	System	-5012	56	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:51:40 PM	System	-5012	57	
Sat 2020/03/21 04:51:59 PM	System	-5012	58	
Sat 2020/03/21 06:11:33 PM	System	-140000	my.isy.io	
Sat 2020/03/21 06:11:57 PM	System	-5012	59	
Sat 2020/03/21 06:22:10 PM	System	-5012	60	
Sat 2020/03/21 06:24:20 PM	System	-5012	61	
Sat 2020/03/21 06:26:31 PM	System	-5012	62	
Sat 2020/03/21 06:28:42 PM	System	-5012	63	
Sat 2020/03/21 06:31:06 PM	System	-5012	64	
Sat 2020/03/21 06:31:15 PM	System	-5006	uuid:64	
Sun 2020/03/22 04:39:36 AM	System	-100	[DHCP] state=RENEW	
Sun 2020/03/22 03:15:15 PM	System	-100	[DHCP] state=RENEW	
Sun 2020/03/22 04:34:01 PM	System	-5012	65	
Sun 2020/03/22 04:34:34 PM	System	-5012	66	
Sun 2020/03/22 04:35:13 PM	System	-5012	67	
Sun 2020/03/22 04:35:48 PM	System	-5012	68	
Sun 2020/03/22 04:37:43 PM	System	-5012	69	
Sun 2020/03/22 04:38:03 PM	System	-5012	70	
Sun 2020/03/22 04:42:43 PM	System	-5012	71	
Sun 2020/03/22 04:43:02 PM	System	-5012	72	


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17 hours ago, dxdc said:

Here's another log from right now. Took me about 20 tries to get authenticated. Seems like all of the tries aren't necessarily in the error log, but still.


Sat 2020/03/21 04:46:12 PM	System	-5012	43	


I have a hunch about -5012.....


do you have wirelesstags.net (aka CAO gadget tags)?  reporting temps via a kumo app?

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4 minutes ago, dxdc said:

I don't have these devices, unless they're part of some other kind of device? Just out of curiosity, why would this cause the -5012 issue?

I don't know.   I've been having a lot of those errors as well.    I would love to understand them but haven't been able to either.  I had a hunch, but apparently it's not the cause...

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@MrBill I suspect a bug with the Java module. Polyglot, etc. have no issue connecting. I can restart Polyglot 100 times and it will connect 100 times.

I tried changing firewall settings as well as connecting from Windows vs. Mac, no difference. Do you have any Z-wave devices? I'm wondering if the problem is one of my battery powered Z wave devices... but not sure either.

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Not sure why you think everything is a bug. As I mentioned before, -5012 is simply ISY trying to publish events to a subscriber that's no longer responding. And, as I mentioned, what you need to do is to figure out what device out there is subscribing incessantly, dropping the subscription, and subscribing again. Polyglot does not subscribe. So, that leaves homebridge. So, just unplug it and see whether or not you keep getting these errors. 

With kind regards,

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2 minutes ago, dxdc said:

@MrBill I suspect a bug with the Java module. Polyglot, etc. have no issue connecting. I can restart Polyglot 100 times and it will connect 100 times.

I tried changing firewall settings as well as connecting from Windows vs. Mac, no difference. Do you have any Z-wave devices? I'm wondering if the problem is one of my battery powered Z wave devices... but not sure either.


I have zero z-wave devices.

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@Michel Kohanim Whether or not I shut down HB, it has no effect. That was one of the first things I tried.

-5012 is simply ISY trying to publish events to a subscriber that's no longer responding

How do I figure out which subscriber this is or gain more info on it (IP address, etc.)? It is possible there is a conflict with some kind of other home automation device that uses a discovery protocol? It seems I'm not the only one with these issues, which is why I suspected it's a bug.

Why would it preclude me from logging in to the ISY? The other strange fact is that these issues only persist while I'm trying to authenticate. Here is my error log, exported just now. I have left the admin console open since yesterday afternoon, no further issues noted.

If I close the admin console, and re-open it, there will be dozens of new -5012 messages, but again, only on initial authentication. Once I can connect / as long as I leave it open, there are no issues.

Sun 2020/03/22 04:34:01 PM	System	-5012	65	
Sun 2020/03/22 04:34:34 PM	System	-5012	66	
Sun 2020/03/22 04:35:13 PM	System	-5012	67	
Sun 2020/03/22 04:35:48 PM	System	-5012	68	
Sun 2020/03/22 04:37:43 PM	System	-5012	69	
Sun 2020/03/22 04:38:03 PM	System	-5012	70	
Sun 2020/03/22 04:42:43 PM	System	-5012	71	
Sun 2020/03/22 04:43:02 PM	System	-5012	72	
Sun 2020/03/22 04:43:22 PM	System	-5012	73	
Sun 2020/03/22 04:45:47 PM	System	-170001	[HTTP:0-28-5]>80	
Sun 2020/03/22 04:45:47 PM	System	-170001	[HTTP:0-28]: POST[1]-->/services	
Sun 2020/03/22 04:45:47 PM	System	-170001	<s:Envelope><s:Body><u:SetDebugLevel xmlns:u="u	


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If you have nothing else except HomeBridge and Polyglot, then the issue is either the firewall on your computer or the UI. If you cannot even login, then I would suspect firewall + UI. The first thing would be to make sure you are using ISY Launcher (Help / About, make sure your UI and firmware versions are the same). Then, try the following:

With kind regards,

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@Michel Kohanim Thanks for your continued help.

Firmware and UI are both Insteon UD994 v.5.0.16.C.

I tried your HTTPS suggestion, which is working perfectly.

Interestingly, if I use ISY Launcher (and add the HTTPS variant of my IP), I can connect just fine without subscriber issues. (NOTE: ISY Launcher + HTTP variant causes the same problems). I tried it several times in a row, no issue.

I am on a Mac BTW, but disabling the Mac firewall made no difference. I *think* after some extended testing just now with this, the culprit may have been AVG Web & Email protection. I don't think the AVG setting is customizable, but if I turn off the protection, it seems to allow the HTTP traffic to work just fine too.

If I use the ISY Admin Console link on my Desktop, I can add the HTTPS variant to the "ISY Finder" window, but no way seemingly of choosing a server? For now, I just deleted the ISY Admin Console link from the Desktop and using the ISY Launcher --> Admin Console route. If there is a better way would appreciate knowing about it.

Thanks for helping me solve this.

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