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Need help with a garage program


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Ive got a simple garage door program that does the following:


Status 'GrgeRly1 GC Door' is On

And Status 'GameRm KPL A' is not On



Wait 5 minutes

Send Notification to All

Wait 5 minutes

Set 'GrgeOtpt1 GC Button' On

Send Notification to All



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



basically, it will shut my garage door if its open for 10 minutes, but notify me at the 5 minute mark and again at 10 minutes when it shuts.


A few times however ive found my garage still open, or had my neighbor call me to say i had forgotten to close it. I did receive my TXT msgs each of those times, but i assumed the last txt msg was the garage closing and i was covered. But apparently something was blocking my garage sensor and it would not shut.


I would like to program something that will continue to TXT me when my garage is open, that way i know something is wrong and the garage is not actually closing.


I thought that my program would continue to run over and over because the "status of GrgeRly1 GC door" would continue to be "on" so my program would run over and over, but apparently thats not the case, once the Then statement runs, it will not run again even tho the If statement is still "true".


can anyone assist me, or help me with some ideas on this.



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Sorry to jump in but since it would take another event to trigger a re-evaluation of the if statement, would adding an "run if (the name of this program)" placed at the end of the program work to re-run the program if the "if" statement was still true?


Or how about creating another program to send an email to confirm the garage door closed?



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as far as hardware goes im running the following:


EZIO 4 Input/2 Output Relay Controller

Garage contacts

ISY 99i

insteon KeypadLinc Dimmer 6 Button


these are the relevant peices i use that relate to my garage door. I use the keypad link to open and shut the garage from inside the house.

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The AND statement is so i can push the A on my KPL and keep the garage open all the time, (in case im working outside or something).


I would like the IF/ THEN statement to continue to run as long as the IF portion is true.


it seems that once the THEN part runs the first time, it doesnt continue to run even tho the IF portion is still true

Hi reakhavoc,


The condition is using "And" which means that if any of the conditions becomes false, then the program stops. I do not think this is what you want. Is it?


With kind regards,


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Hello Gregg,


I think you should use two separate programs:


Notify Me:

       Status  'GrgeRly1 GC Door' is On
   And Status  'GameRm KPL A' is not On

       Repeat Every  5 minutes 
          Send Notification to All

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Close Door:

       Status  'GrgeRly1 GC Door' is On
   And Status  'GameRm KPL A' is not On

       Wait  10 minutes 
       Set 'GrgeOtpt1 GC Button' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



The AND statement is so i can push the A on my KPL and keep the garage open all the time, (in case im working outside or something).


I would like the IF/ THEN statement to continue to run as long as the IF portion is true.


it seems that once the THEN part runs the first time, it doesnt continue to run even tho the IF portion is still true

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