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Weatherbit Weather

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2 hours ago, Jason Miller said:

I have it setup, it says connected, and API is configured. However, no data (screenshot attached). Any ideas?

Have you restarted Admin Console since you installed the WeatherBit polyglot?

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What does the log show?

It created the nodes so the node server appears to be operating correctly. You need to figure out if it's either not getting any data from WeatherBit or not sending it to the ISY. The log will tell you that.

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I am also getting no values.  I was using DarkSky which was working perfectly.  Tried to set up WeatherBit, exactly the same way, but not getting any value.  Tried stopping and starting, deleting and installing.  Restarting ISY Portal.  Nothing seems to get any values.  Any suggestions?  Thanks

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Again, the log will tell you what is happening. Check it!  Nobody can do that for you.

Like @DennisC said, make sure you enter the location correctly.  I know that cloud polyglot doesn't provide the configuration help that the local version does.  But  there's nothing I can do about that.  How the location is formatted is specific to the weather service so what you enter for one may not work for the others.  The node server uses what you enter and passes directly to the weather service so it has to meet their requirements.  Below is WeatherBit's location formatting.

Location : Location to get data for. Can be specified as:

  • lat&lon Ex: lat=38.123&lon=-78.543
  • city,state Ex: city=Raleigh,NC
  • city&contry Ex: city=Raleigh&country=US
  • city_id Ex: city_id=8953360
  • station Ex: station=KSEA
  • postal_code Ex: postal_code=27601
  • postal_code&country Ex: postal_code=27601&country=US
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3 hours ago, dantoronto said:

Is it a problem I am in Canada?  I also get no values for OpenWeatherMap.  If these are US only, what node server works also for Canada?

Both work fine on Vancouver Island....

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ISY uses a non-standard longitude polarity. That is -79 degrees must be entered as +79 degrees. I don't know if this has been copied to the NS.

Are people entering negative values for longitude in North America and it is working for this particular NS?

4 hours ago, dantoronto said:

43.67,-79.29  Is it a problem I am in Canada?  I also get no values for OpenWeatherMap.  If these are US only, what node server works also for Canada?


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Bob, the format, lat=38.123&lon=-78.543  worked like a charm.  Where should I have seen this formatting?

While I am on a roll, what would be the correct formatting for the location for OpenWeatherMap?  I presume that is what I am also doing wrong there.  And where should I be seeing this?  Thanks so much

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even though I am getting full data from DarkSky, this is what the log keeps repeating:

2020-04-28 10:30:50,041 [Controller] [ERROR] DarkSky reports The given location (or time) is invalid.

2020-04-28 10:30:50,042 [Controller] [ERROR] Failed to process data from DarkSky.

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On 5/2/2020 at 10:16 AM, larryllix said:

ISY uses a non-standard longitude polarity. That is -79 degrees must be entered as +79 degrees. I don't know if this has been copied to the NS.

Are people entering negative values for longitude in North America and it is working for this particular NS?


As far as I know, all of us use standard notation for co-ordinates in our nodeservers ... negative is south or west, positive east or north

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On 5/2/2020 at 12:52 PM, dantoronto said:

Bob, the format, lat=38.123&lon=-78.543  worked like a charm.  Where should I have seen this formatting?

While I am on a roll, what would be the correct formatting for the location for OpenWeatherMap?  I presume that is what I am also doing wrong there.  And where should I be seeing this?  Thanks so much

The README for the node servers should all list the correct configuration parameters. You can get to that from the link to the node server in the node server store.   Eventually cloud polyglot should be fixed and display the configuration help like the local version of Polyglot does.

For OpenWeatherMap see https://github.com/bpaauwe/udi-owm-poly

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On 5/2/2020 at 1:55 PM, dantoronto said:

even though I am getting full data from DarkSky, this is what the log keeps repeating:

2020-04-28 10:30:50,041 [Controller] [ERROR] DarkSky reports The given location (or time) is invalid.

2020-04-28 10:30:50,042 [Controller] [ERROR] Failed to process data from DarkSky.

It seems pretty self-explanatory. DarkSky doesn't like something about how the location is specified.   That first message is coming directly from DarkSky.

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2 hours ago, dantoronto said:

Seems that way.  But returning perfect info.  Have tried variations of the long. and latitude.  In your experience/knowledge, what is the format for location that works best for DarkSky?  Thanks

I tend to use zip code if the service accepts it since that's a lot easier for me to remember than my lat/long.

Are you sure you don't have more than one copy of the node server running?  Otherwise, I have no idea how you're getting actual data. The first message indicates that DarkSky returned an error only and no data so the node server doesn't even try to process data, the second message means the node server tried to process data, but failed at some point because the data didn't match what was expected.

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Thanks so much for your responses.  I am only running WeatherBit, ISY Portal and Dark Sky.  I don't have a zip code (live in Canada).  As I said, getting full and correct data, for example the following.  But a constant error message under the log.  Is the time wrong?


Driver UOM Value
BARPRES 117 1014.0
CLIHUM 22 57.0
DEWPT 4 -0.77
DISTANC 83 16.093
GV0 4 10.74
GV1 4 3.25
GV10 56 359.6
GV13 25 8.0
GV14 22 39.0
GV18 22 6.0
GV19 25 1.0
GV20 106 5.66
GV4 49 5.74
GV5 49 11.55



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2 hours ago, dantoronto said:

Thanks so much for your responses.  I am only running WeatherBit, ISY Portal and Dark Sky.  I don't have a zip code (live in Canada).  As I said, getting full and correct data, for example the following.  But a constant error message under the log.  Is the time wrong?



Weatherbit will accept and work with Canadian postal codes.  Make sure there are no spaces.

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Using WeatherBit, I am getting full data using lon and lat to set my location.

But still getting the following error message, even though I am getting that data.  Wonder why:

2020-05-04 23:57:59,229 [Controller] [WARNING] Missing data for driver CLIHUM

2020-05-04 23:57:59,229 [Controller] [WARNING] Missing data for driver DEWPT

2020-05-04 23:57:59,229 [Controller] [WARNING] Missing data for driver GV2


Driver UOM Value
BARPRES 117 1014.0
CLIHUM 22 57.0
DEWPT 4 -0.77
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12 hours ago, dantoronto said:

Using WeatherBit, I am getting full data using lon and lat to set my location.

But still getting the following error message, even though I am getting that data.  Wonder why:

2020-05-04 23:57:59,229 [Controller] [WARNING] Missing data for driver CLIHUM

2020-05-04 23:57:59,229 [Controller] [WARNING] Missing data for driver DEWPT

2020-05-04 23:57:59,229 [Controller] [WARNING] Missing data for driver GV2


Driver UOM Value
BARPRES 117 1014.0
CLIHUM 22 57.0
DEWPT 4 -0.77

What shows up in the Nodes tables on Polyglot is not timestamped, it's just the last value set by the node server, it could be weeks/months old. 

Missing data means that either the data is missing from the server response or is formatted in such a way that it can't be parsed by the node server.   If you set the log level to debug the full response from the server will be included in the log and you can check what the server is actually sending.

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That is interesting.  But the data I am getting in ISY, for both WeatherBit and DarkSky, seems up to date and relatively similar.

What is interesting now is that since I updated the locations settings, WeatherBit to lat=xx.xxx&lon=-yy.yyy and DarkSky to xx.xxxxxx,-yy.yyyyyyy, I have not received up new items or updates in their respective logs.  And, as I said, getting full correct up-to-date data.  Thanks for all your efforts and guidance.

BTW where would I change the log level to debug?

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35 minutes ago, dantoronto said:

BTW where would I change the log level to debug?

From the main node for the node server on the ISY



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  • 2 weeks later...

I could never get this to work. As such, I moved to Climacell. It shows connected, I inputted API keys, still, nothing coming in. Does anyone have a few spare minutes to help me? I am totally lost as to why I cannot get Polygot to work, when it's actually connected.

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