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Anyone with a Mac? Let me know if this calc does not work for some browsers because it was only tested on Microsoft Internet Exploder




[Just a heads up ... works fine with Safari v3.0.3 (running on OS X)....]


Q1a: Playing with the calc... Why is it that an 8 button KPL is considered to be 16 links (when its the only item I add to the calc) but a 6 button KPL is considered to only be 10 links?


Q1b: Why wouldn't the KPLs be considered 6 or 8 links (like the Controlinc is considered 5) instead of 10 (or 16)?



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Anyone with a Mac? Let me know if this calc does not work for some browsers because it was only tested on Microsoft Internet Exploder




[Just a heads up ... works fine with Safari v3.0.3 (running on OS X)....]


Q1a: Playing with the calc... Why is it that an 8 button KPL is considered to be 16 links (when its the only item I add to the calc) but a 6 button KPL is considered to only be 10 links?


Q1b: Why wouldn't the KPLs be considered 6 (or 8) links (like the Controlinc is considered 5) instead of 10 (or 16)?




Q1a: A 6 button KeypadLinc controls 5 groups the same as a ControLinc. It only has 6 buttons because the main LOAD group is split into separate ON and OFF buttons.


Q1b: A KeypadLinc button needs to be cross linked to control the button LED so 2 links per button. No LED on ControLinc buttons so just the single link per button is required.

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As always thanks again.... and yep.... the leds I forgot about that... I only have controlinks so I never thought about it.


From what I've read isn't having the LEDs on the KPLs more of a headache than its worth since trying to keep the status correct a real chore (especially when a single button activates more than one or two devices)? Tho I think I just read in the scripting area that someone has a pretty neat and elegant fix for that now.


I'm **so** tempted to buy this right now but will try my best to hold out for the 99.9 I've been reading about since it seems to be more scalable (WRT links and such) oh and the RF version is tempting too but that'll just mean even more of a wait... but hey, its already Nov. - 'early Dec' isn't all that far out...



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As always thanks again.... and yep.... the leds I forgot about that... I only have controlinks so I never thought about it.


From what I've read isn't having the LEDs on the KPLs more of a headache than its worth since trying to keep the status correct a real chore (especially when a single button activates more than one or two devices)? Tho I think I just read in the scripting area that someone has a pretty neat and elegant fix for that now.


I'm **so** tempted to buy this right now but will try my best to hold out for the 99.9 I've been reading about since it seems to be more scalable (WRT links and such) oh and the RF version is tempting too but that'll just mean even more of a wait... but hey, its already Nov. - 'early Dec' isn't all that far out...




KPLs are definitely a headache. Too bad they never came out with the promised wall mount bracket for the ContrLinc! Still the LEDs are handy when controlling outside lighting or other fixtures you can't see from the switch location.


What RF version are you referring to? I know about an IR version, but RF?

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Hello DaveGee,


Apologies for the delay in my reply ...


2 links for controllers since a) a slave link in the PLM to "hear" button presses and B) a master link in the PLM and slave in the KPL during the linking phase. It's not 2 per button per se but it's a close approximation.


We do not have any RF versions planned!!! Are you referring to IR???


With kind regards,



As always thanks again.... and yep.... the leds I forgot about that... I only have controlinks so I never thought about it.


From what I've read isn't having the LEDs on the KPLs more of a headache than its worth since trying to keep the status correct a real chore (especially when a single button activates more than one or two devices)? Tho I think I just read in the scripting area that someone has a pretty neat and elegant fix for that now.


I'm **so** tempted to buy this right now but will try my best to hold out for the 99.9 I've been reading about since it seems to be more scalable (WRT links and such) oh and the RF version is tempting too but that'll just mean even more of a wait... but hey, its already Nov. - 'early Dec' isn't all that far out...



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