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Lamp module - turn off automatically after xx minutes?

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So my daughter has a pretty lamp on her nightstand.  I have it connected to a "Lamp Dimmer Module".

Right now I have it turn on with the bedroom light, and turn off with the bedroom light.

I'd like the option to "turn on for 10 minutes, then dim to black over 2 minutes."

I'm just banging my head against to program:

	LAMP status is OFF
	AND Keypad.D is switched ON
	SET LAMP ramp rate 2.0 seconds
	WAIT 10 minutes
	SET LAMP ramp rate 5 minutes
	SET LAMP ramp rate 2.0 seconds
	<do nothing>

I cannot figure out how to turn off the Keypad.D light.

The Keypad.D button is set to toggle.


Is there a better way to do this?

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This seems to be a popular question lately.

Put the button (Keypad.D) in a scene by itself as a responder.

When you want to turn the Keypad.D light off, turn off the scene that you put it in.

If the lamp is the only thing that key D controls, you should be able create a scene with the key D as the controller and the lamp as the responder and turn off and on the scene in your programs.  I think...

Out of curiosity does the program above work as intended (aside from not turning off the button).  I would be worried that changing the ramp rate to 2 seconds during the 5 minute off ramp would interrupt the current operation.

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There are many ways to accomplish what you are trying to do. If it were me, I would create a scene that turns on normally and another that turns off the way you want. If D is a controller already, then you're set with the lamp on scene. You would then set another scene to turn off. Add both devices as responders and configure the dimmer module with a 2 minute ramp rate


if time is from 8p to whenever and bedroom light is on


set lamp scene on

wait 10 minutes

turn off dimmer scene



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Since you don't need the spead of an Insteon Scene, I would use simple and upfront obvious programs.

    Keypad.D is switched ON  <----runs then with On
    Keypad.D is NOT switched Off  <---- runs Else with Off
    WAIT 6 hours        <-------- just in case off timer
    run (else) program ThisOne   <------- do whatever the Off would do below
    SET Lamp ramp rate 20 seconds <-------- first warning = faster fade down
    SET LAMP 20%
    WAIT 10 minutes
    SET Lamp ramp rate 2 minutes    <---------- turn it off over 2 minutes (for 100%) . Needs to be prorated so time may need to be much longer

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