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No connection after upgrade


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Hi @bpwwer, I just upgraded to 2.0.9 and I've lost my connection to my weatherflow station.  Looking around this forum I saw that the Station must be the ID not the name.  Is that a change as the configuration file had the name of my station saved.  It used to work ok with this setting.  I changed the station ID to 1866.  Is this the ID it's looking for?  Here is the log after the most recent restart.

Thank you for your help.

2020-08-11 15:02:25,950 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     __init__:<module>: UDI Polyglot v2 Interface 2.1.0 Starting...

2020-08-11 15:02:26,077 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: gws: {'default': {2: ('', 'eth0')}, 2: [('', 'eth0', True)]}

2020-08-11 15:02:26,077 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: gw: default=('', 'eth0')

2020-08-11 15:02:26,078 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: ifad: eth0=[{'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}]

2020-08-11 15:02:26,078 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:__init__: Connect: Network Interface: {'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}

2020-08-11 15:02:26,079 Interface  polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_startMqtt: Connecting to MQTT... localhost:1883

2020-08-11 15:02:26,131 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Connected with result code 0 (Success)

2020-08-11 15:02:26,132 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/ns/5 -  MID: 1 Result: 0

2020-08-11 15:02:26,133 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/connections/polyglot -  MID: 2 Result: 0

2020-08-11 15:02:26,134 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: Sent Connected message to Polyglot

2020-08-11 15:02:26,138 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 1 - QoS: (0,)

2020-08-11 15:02:26,141 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 2 - QoS: (0,)

2020-08-11 15:02:26,190 NodeServer polyinterface      INFO     weatherflow:start: Starting WeatherFlow Node Server

2020-08-11 15:02:26,190 MQTT       polyinterface      DEBUG    weatherflow:process_config: -- configuration is valid

2020-08-11 15:02:26,191 NodeServer polyinterface      ERROR    node_funcs:get_saved_log_level: Found saved log level 30

2020-08-11 15:02:26,192 NodeServer polyinterface      ERROR    node_funcs:save_log_level: saving log level to customdata

2020-08-11 15:02:26,192 NodeServer polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:saveCustomData: Sending customData to Polyglot.

2020-08-11 15:02:26,259 NodeServer polyinterface      INFO     node_funcs:set_logging_level: set_logging_level: Setting log level to 30

2020-08-11 15:02:26,332 NodeServer polyinterface      ERROR    weatherflow:query_wf: Bad: 'stations'

2020-08-11 15:02:26,333 NodeServer py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /home/pi/.polyglot/nodeservers/WeatherFlowPoly/nodes/weatherflow.py:387: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=6, laddr=('', 51994), raddr=('', 80)>

2020-08-11 15:02:26,333 NodeServer py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /home/pi/.polyglot/nodeservers/WeatherFlowPoly/nodes/weatherflow.py:387: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=6, laddr=('', 51994), raddr=('', 80)>

2020-08-11 15:02:29,346 NodeServer polyinterface      ERROR    hub:__init__: No sensor devices found (Sky, Air, Tempest)

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