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X.10 stopped working?


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I have an ISY 994i (1120) on v.4.8.0 (20-06-26) and a score or so Insteon devices on the property that are working just fine.  I also have a handful of antique X.10 wall warts I use for undemanding impromptu tasks, like running a seasonal Xmas tree.

Tree ran just great in 2018. Didn't have a tree in 2019, so can't say. Went to use the wall wart a few months ago and suddenly it doesn't work.

Got the chance to debug the problem only this week. Found the old manual X.10 controller that came with those warts and verified the warts themselves work just great (with a healthy clunk) over the AC lines from the manual controller buttons. Yet, won't work from the ISY on the same address in the same socket. Turn it on, admin console says "yeah, it's on," but it isn't. Same for off.

I've verified that "A10/X10 for INSTEON (21060)" is still installed. Running "Manage Modules" just produces "up to date."

I'm positive I applied at least one FW update to the ISY over the past year. Was there something in there that was known to break X.10? Is there a fix?


Edited by lhranch
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I am still using several X10 modules, 2 of which are 25+  years old and am using the latest firmware. All the X10 modules work fine. Also I upgrade the firmware whenever a new version is released and have never had the problem you’ve got.

Maybe you have something generating line noise or your PLM is degrading. How old is your PLM?

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The PLM is from April 2018, so relatively new. It talks to all the Insteon equipment reliably.

I think you're right about poor signal. I redid my test more rigorously, locating the manual control panel in the same outlet as the PLM. The X.10 module either worked from both or failed from both, depending on in how far away an outlet I placed it. I suppose my Insteon devices are making full use of repetition and dual-banding to work as reliably as they are. I might look at relocating my ISY and PLM to a more central outlet and see if I can squeak by that way. If not, I guess I'll be buying a few Insteon plugin modules.

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Any new or moved electronic devices. Around the time things changed?

From your second test run. It sounds like you have a signal sucker or power line noise maker or a phase coupling issue.

If you have an electric stove or electric dryer. They use 220 VAC and it you turn one On and the X10 gets better to areas with issues. You may have a phase coupling issue. If you have an X10 phase coupler in the system now. It may have failed.

I have not seen any PLM X10 issues reported lately. I do have a 2456S3 ApplianceLinc that got X10 signal deaf but Insteon still works.

Saw your mention of the firmware maybe not supporting X10 correctly. In another post. I was using X10 with v4.7.3 and v4.8.0 is supposed to have only disabled the Climate Module that was discontinued.

Edited by Brian H
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