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Fast ON functionality needed for Insteon 2475s2

yardman 49

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Hello Michel and everyone:


I just purchased three of Smarthome's "ILLR w/Sense Motion Sensor Floodlight" kits, to replace my existing X10 units, as my X10 communications have gotten really spotty lately. When I do this, and also replace another couple of X10 switches, I'll finally be free of X10, and will have approximately 40 Insteon device being controlled by my ISY-26. :D


Unfortunately, I discovered that the default functionality of the ILLR Sense units (2475s2) are really deficient in one important area: if the floodlights are already on, and the motion sensor senses motion, it sends a signal throught the yellow ILLR Sense line after the preset motion sense time expires, which causes the ILLR to shut the lights off. This is really bad for my application, where I use the ISY through timed events for the keep the floodlights on for the first part of the evening. I definitely don't want them turning off if they sense motion during this period of time!


Anyway, another member reported that ILLR Sense line can be disabled by turning the ILLR on via "Fast ON". I can of course do this via my Insteon devices. But the ISY does not seem to have Fast ON functionality enabled for the 2475S2.


Michel, are you planning on having this functionality enabled for a future firmware release? I'm currently using 2.7.5.


Thanks and Best Wishes to you and the Staff.




Hello again Michel:


I may have just stumbled across the solution: apparently the "Fast ON" function is accessible when the 2475s2 is part of a "Scene". I'll try it this evening and see if it works.


If it does work, then why would that functionality only be available to the 2475s2 when it part of a group, and not when directly controlling the device through the ISY?


Hi Frank,


I am not sure if we want to add Fast On to relays. Perhaps there should be a button that although sends Fast On, is titled "Turn Sense On" or "Turn Sense Off". Do you know what command should be sent to turn the sense On?


With kind regards,



Both FASTON and FASTOFF disable the sense control until the next regular On or Off is received over the powerline. FASTON turns the ILL load on and disables Sense (when you want to leave outside lights on, perhaps for an evening party); FASTOFF turns the ILL load off and disables Sense (allows you to keep a unit off, no matter the motion, on Halloween or a windy night).

Hi Frank,


I am not sure if we want to add Fast On to relays. Perhaps there should be a button that although sends Fast On, is titled "Turn Sense On" or "Turn Sense Off". Do you know what command should be sent to turn the sense On?


With kind regards,



Hello Michel:


Fortunately, placing the ILLR in a ISY "Scene" does allow me to send a "FASTON" to it, otherwise my new Insteon floodlights would be pretty useless for my needs.


Could you explain what the reasoning would be for not adding the FAST ON/OFF functionalities to directly control Insteon relays via the ISY? For most Insteon Relay devices, it would be the same functionality as the regular ON or OFF, I would think, so I don't see what the harm would be.




Both FASTON and FASTOFF disable the sense control until the next regular On or Off is received over the powerline. FASTON turns the ILL load on and disables Sense (when you want to leave outside lights on, perhaps for an evening party); FASTOFF turns the ILL load off and disables Sense (allows you to keep a unit off, no matter the motion, on Halloween or a windy night).




Thanks for anwering Michel's question much better than I could! I did not realize this nuance of the FAST functionalities, even after finding the FAST blurb in the SmartHome manual for the 2475s2.


So FASTOFF turns the lights off and keeps the motion sense disabled? Wow, now this is getting better than I had hoped! With my old X10 floods, I'd have my family complain when they wanted to have a gathering in the backyard at night, sitting around the firepit. The only way with the X10s to keep the floods off would be to go and shut off the individual mechanical switches that controlled the circuits to which the floods were wired.


But with the Insteon floods and the "FASTOFF" functionality, I can use this to disable the floods entirely. And the next time that the my ISY sends a timed event for FASTON, the lights will come on and stay on for the duration of that timed event! Brilliant! (no pun intended).


Best wishes,


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