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Using OpenWeatherMap Forecast nodes in ISY programs


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I am able to use Status from the OpenWeatherMap node, using current data, in programs, but none of the Forecast nodes data appears to be available for use in ISY programs. Am I doing something wrong here or is this expected behavior?

In the Main devices tab, the Forecast nodes (I have set to 3, so I see Forecast 0-2) show the expected data. According to the Polyglot dashboard, I'm currently on 3.0.0

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33 minutes ago, msoileau said:

I am able to use Status from the OpenWeatherMap node, using current data, in programs, but none of the Forecast nodes data appears to be available for use in ISY programs. Am I doing something wrong here or is this expected behavior?

In the Main devices tab, the Forecast nodes (I have set to 3, so I see Forecast 0-2) show the expected data. According to the Polyglot dashboard, I'm currently on 3.0.0

No, not expected behavior.  All of the forecast data should be available for use in programs. On my system, I am able to select any forecast node and select any of the values in there for use in program if conditions.

The admin console builds the lists of values for each node based on the profile files, but if the forecasts are displaying correctly on the main tab, then that implies that they exist on the ISY and are correct.

Are you not seeing the node show up in the program device drop down list or do they show up but have no options when selected?

You can try re-loading the profile files (Update Profile button from the current conditions node) and restarting the admin console.

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The Forecast nodes do not even show up in the device drop down list. I've already tried deleting the node server and installing to a different slot. Same results.

I did an Update Profile as you recommended. I then restarted the admin console. Same results. No forecast nodes in the device drop down. I will try completely uninstalling and reinstalling from github


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I did a complete uninstall from the Node Server store and a reinstall. Same thing. I have the nodes in the Main device tree and they have valid data. They just don't show up in the device list drop down in programs. I've also looked through the whole drop down list thinking maybe they would show up directly as Forecast without the OpenWeatherMap path, but no luck




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I tried deleting and re-installing just to make sure I had the same code installed and I can't reproduce this.  The forecast nodes show up in the program list and are working as expected.  

If there was a problem with the OWM node server files, I would expect the device entries to be missing or corrupt, but since they're not, the node server seems to be correct and correctly installed.

This seems more like a problem with the admin console than the node server.

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Maybe here is more evidence for your AC theory.  I just installed this nodeserver (3.0.0) earlier today, and I'm also unable to access node data.  In addition to not being available in programs, the data isn't even displaying.  In the left-hand pane of the Main tab, I see the root OWM node and three forecast nodes in the drop-down (as I had configured), but there is nothing in the right-hand pane for any of them except the node name at the top (i.e., not even the data boxes).  When I look at the nodes in PGC, it appears that they have reasonable data.  Back in the AC, if I click on another node (scene, device, whatever, unrelated to OWM), the right-hand pane changes as expected, but if I then select one of the OWM nodes again, only the title changes (to the correct one), but the data fields still correspond to whatever I had selected last.  For example, here is a screen shot of the Forecast 0 node displaying the data from my Ecobee controller node, which I had just clicked on and displayed previously.  FWIW, I'm using ISY firmware version 5.3.0.



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That means that either the admin console hasn't read the profiles files or the files aren't there.  The admin console only reads profile files when it starts. That's why you have to restart the admin console after installing any node server.

When installing the node server or when you select the 'Update Profile' button from the current condition screen, Polyglot will send the profile files to the ISY.   There's not really any recovery if something goes wrong with that transfer.  The Polyglot log will show errors if it fails to send the files.  This part of the process is managed by Polyglot, not the individual node servers.  There's not anything I can do to the node server to verify that the files were correctly transferred.

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Thanks for the explanation.  I had restarted the admin console (a few times) and even deleted/reinstalled the node server.  Not sure what went wrong with that attempt; perhaps I didn't wait long enough for the install to get further along before jumping into the configuration.   I just deleted again and reinstalled, taking care to give things more time.  This time I saw the message to set the API key, which I don't believe I saw in my previous attempt.  Did the configuration, now things look fine.

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I suspect that something may have gone wrong when Polyglot tried to send the files to the ISY. That process doesn't always work and without checking the logs, there's no way to really know.

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Apologies for not paying attention. Would you please try upgrading to 5.3.1 so that we all have the same point of reference? Once the upgrade is done, please remove the node server from Polisy, make sure it's removed from ISY, add it back in, and see whether or not they show up. If not, you are welcome to submit a ticket (as long as you have Polisy) and we'd be delighted to help troubleshooting.

With kind regards,

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