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Why do the ISY error logs show the IP address of my phone?


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I've been chasing down issues with my Z-Wave locks. It's been horrible. It was suggested I look at the error logs, which I hadn't done previously. For some reason, my ISY error log has the IP address of my Pixel phone popping up. So, I took the phone off DHCP and assigned a static IP address to it. IT still follows it... Mind you the ISY and Wi-Fi are on VLAN isolated subnets, which might be why I see this error. But.... More importantly, I have disabled (force stop) Agave, and this is a new ISY I'm using. 

Other than Chinese hackers, anyone have any ideas?

This is with a static IP address I put in this morning at 7:30 AM. This error does not show up unless my phone is using Wi-Fi. 

Sat 2021/01/23 04:18:38 PM    System    -170001    [HTTP:0-31-5]>80    
Sat 2021/01/23 04:18:38 PM    System    -170001    [HTTP:0-31]: POST[1]-->/services    
Sat 2021/01/23 04:18:38 PM    System    -170001    <s:Envelope><s:Body><u:GetSystemStatus

This is yesterday with a DHCP address assigned by the Firewall/Router. 

Fri 2021/01/22 06:45:06 PM    System    -170001    [HTTP:0-27-5]>80    
Fri 2021/01/22 06:45:06 PM    System    -170001    [HTTP:0-27]: POST[1]-->/services    
Fri 2021/01/22 06:45:06 PM    System    -170001    <s:Envelope><s:Body><u:GetSystemStatus xmlns:u=

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