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Check (and fix) switch status


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I have a switch that is spontaniously turning itself off and not telling anyone about the changed status.


Configuration is two controllers linked in a scene

1) Icon Switch - Icon Relay in attic

2) Keypadlinc (Button D)


Problem - Sometimes the icon switch turns itself off. It doesn't seam to notify anyone. Status in the ISY still shows on until I query the switch again and then it shows off.


Goal - To have a program query the status of the switch every 20 minutes if the keypadlinc button d is on. If it finds the switch off, notify me in email (hopefully I can figure out what is causing the problem) and turn the switch back on (so wife stays happy).

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Hi brklaas1,


The main question for me would be why is this switch turning itself off. Is it possible that this switch was programmed before as a responder to some other INSTEON device?


May I humbly recommend the following:

1. Please remove the switch from ISY

2. Do a factory reset on it

3. Add it back to ISY


Please let me know if this fixes the issue.


With kind regards,


I have a switch that is spontaniously turning itself off and not telling anyone about the changed status.


Configuration is two controllers linked in a scene

1) Icon Switch - Icon Relay in attic

2) Keypadlinc (Button D)


Problem - Sometimes the icon switch turns itself off. It doesn't seam to notify anyone. Status in the ISY still shows on until I query the switch again and then it shows off.


Goal - To have a program query the status of the switch every 20 minutes if the keypadlinc button d is on. If it finds the switch off, notify me in email (hopefully I can figure out what is causing the problem) and turn the switch back on (so wife stays happy).

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I will give that a try. Question though - pulling out the set button doesn't result in the switch turning off.


Can I emulate the same by disconnecting the switch from power and holding in the set button when reconnecting? It seams to do the right thing based on the light flashing.

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The older SwitchLinc relay and Icon On/Off switch do not have the air gap switch. Like the newer ones do.


The Icon sales page does not show a link to the older models users manual, but I found it.




The breaker will reset the unit if it is lost. It will not factory reset it.


Press and Hold top Paddle 10 seconds then release.

Tap the set button in all the way Then release.

Push the set button all the way in and hold it for at least 10 seconds.

Then release.

In a few seconds the load will turn on. Indicating a complete reset was done.


If yours has the Air Gap/Set Button the present manual is correct.

Pull Set /Air gap button switch all the way out for 10 seconds.

Push the Air Gap/Set Button switch all the way in for 3 seconds.

Release the Set/Air Gap button and in a few seconds the switch is factory reset.

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Ok - so the advice appears to be that the switch has old links in it and it is responding to something else on the network?? (which is a possibility, been moving around smartlincs and other stuff). It hasn't turned off recently, but I also never figured out the pattern (if there was one).


Question - Why wouldn't restoring the device resolve it? Or even factory reset and restoring the device from the ISY? Is the ISY saving links that would be put back that it isn't showing?



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Restoring a device doesn't wipe out its old memory. If it was in a scene previously, it will still respond to that scene. Doing a restore doesn't change that, it only adds setting the ISY thinks it should have.


In order to wipe out all previous memory, a factory reset must be done. Then the ISY will rebuild the memory to the state it (the ISY) thinks it should have.

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Hi everyone,


Restore device does in fact clear all the link records in a switch. To be precise, restore device does the following:

1. Writes whatever ISY knows about that device into the device

2. Defragments the database


In cases when you import existing links during installation, ISY might bring with itself spurious links. As such, restore device will write those links back to the device every time you do a restore. This is the reason why removing a device and doing a factory reset is recommended.


In some cases (defective devices), restore device cannot programmatically write links to the device. In these cases, as well, a factory reset is advised.


With kind regards,


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One more comment is that Restore Device does NOT remove any X10 codes stored in a device. It's not uncommon for an INSTEON device to come pre-programmed from the factory with an unwanted X10 code, which is one reason I always suggest factory resetting a device before installing.

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If there can be spurious links that the ISY read from the device which it stores, wouldn't they show up in the ISY interface? If they don't, is that something that can be addressed in a future release?


I do agree on the X10 problem... have noticed that in the past as well.

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Hello brklass1,


It depends on the type of link. If there are orphaned links, they are dropped by ISY. If they are slave links to devices NOT yet in ISY, then ISY keeps them. Yes, this could be addressed in the future releases but the main issue is that there's no clean algorithm to automatically figure out what should be done with links. Originally, we dropped everything but there were complaints from those who had the device linked to some other exotic devices (such as PLC) who didn't want those links to be removed.


With kind regards,



If there can be spurious links that the ISY read from the device which it stores, wouldn't they show up in the ISY interface? If they don't, is that something that can be addressed in a future release?


I do agree on the X10 problem... have noticed that in the past as well.

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