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UnifiPresence nodeserver configuration

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The new UnifiPresence nodeserver looks very useful, however, I'm sorry I don't understand the custom configuration parameters listed in the GitHub page.   Unifi_host = ?, Unifiport = ?   (I don't see any port specification anywhere in the Controller?).  Unifi_userid = Is this the username for logging into the Controller?  Unifi_password = Is this the password associated with the aforementioned user id, or the password for logging into the wifi network?   Unifi_siteid = Is this the name/SSID of my local wifi network?   About the only parameter I am certain of is the mac_device = MAC address of my cell phone.    Thanks

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I believe this is @automationgeek Poly, so lets see if he weighs in.

However, I just got it to work for me.  All the parameters were as I would expect except I'm not sure the Unifi_siteid is needed if you have only one site (I saw complaints in the logs, removed the parameter and things appear to work).

Let's say you go to your Unifi controller using a URL like this:

Unifi_host = (looks like could be IP or hostname)
Unifiport = 6789 (if you don't have a port in the URL, this would be 443 if using https://)
Unifi_userid = A valid admin account to login with (I made a read only admin specifically for polyglot to use - Settings -> Admins in the controller UI)
Unifi_password = Password for the admin above.
Unifi_siteid = Current Site is listed in the upper right corner when I'm logged in to the controller web page. It's also listed in Settings -> Site -> Site Configuration. Again, doesn't appear to be needed and didn't work for me.  

There is up to a 90 second delay, as it looks like the short poll interval is 90 seconds.

Hope that helps!

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Sorry, I'm a novice at network things:  What should the Unifi_host URL to the Unifi Controller look like?   I have two Unifi Access Points - no Ubiquiti router, guardian or switches.  I access the Unifi controller via a OSX application (image below), which prompts me to open a browser tab.  Once I do this, the URL for the tab is: https://localhost:8443/manage/account/login?redirect=%2Fmanage.    However, putting this URL in as the Unifi_host parameter doesn't work (nor does it work just pasting the URL into a new browser tab....)   I'm confused.   Thanks.

Screen Shot 2021-02-21 at 7.09.52 PM.png

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