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Daylight Saving Time rule change

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Disclaimer: I've not tried nor tested, just located the option.   I'm using V5.x firmware, if you're still using V4 Firmware, YMMV

On the configuration tab in the clock box click change location.  Choose one of the Brazil Locations, all of which state Daylight Saving Rule is OFF, or use a custom location and set the Daylight Saving Rule dropdown to OFF (located at the TOP of the list.)



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Yeah. The province of Saskatchewan has gone to permanent DST, and Ontario will be doing the same if we ever get co-operation with Quebec++ province(s) and NY++ state(s). The DST will definitely need to be an accessible option for NY++ state(s) and many in Canada, if that happens.

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18 minutes ago, sandryseibert said:

Oh man.. I think I'm getting old.. How could I not see the dropdown!!!!

the confusing issue is the disabled (grayed out) DST box on the screen before ?  that exists because it used to be different before they changed to the current timezone library.

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