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Controlling Keypad Load Button


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I have an 8 button keypad with button A controlling the load to a light. Button C is a scene with Button A in it. When I hit Button C, button A does not go on and neither does the light. When I hit button C 2x fast, button A goes on and the light goes on. Also, when I run that same scene from another keypad, it works as expected. How do I get button A to be controlled by button C clicking button C once?

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Hi jcip,


Click on button C within that scene, look to your right and make sure the on level is NOT zero and ramp rate is not 9 minutes for button A (of the same KPL).


With kind regards,



I have an 8 button keypad with button A controlling the load to a light. Button C is a scene with Button A in it. When I hit Button C, button A does not go on and neither does the light. When I hit button C 2x fast, button A goes on and the light goes on. Also, when I run that same scene from another keypad, it works as expected. How do I get button A to be controlled by button C clicking button C once?
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Thank you for the reply. I did check that... it was not the problem.


I did notice something though. When I click on button C within "My lighting", it DOES show that it manages the light in question (button A). However, when I click on button C within the scene I created for button C, it DOES NOT show button A. I tried to delete the scene and recreate it... button A will not allow itself to be controled by button C on the same keypad. I also set up a test of a similar scenario on another keypad... same issue. The keypad load button does not allow itself to be controlled by a button on the same keypad as far as I can tell. Does this make sense?

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Hi jcip,


Thanks for the info and yes it does make perfect sense in the following case:

Your KPL is firmware 1.5 or below (about 2 years old)


Only the newer KPLs allow for the load button to be controlled by a sub button.


With kind regards,




Thank you for the reply. I did check that... it was not the problem.


I did notice something though. When I click on button C within "My lighting", it DOES show that it manages the light in question (button A). However, when I click on button C within the scene I created for button C, it DOES NOT show button A. I tried to delete the scene and recreate it... button A will not allow itself to be controled by button C on the same keypad. I also set up a test of a similar scenario on another keypad... same issue. The keypad load button does not allow itself to be controlled by a button on the same keypad as far as I can tell. Does this make sense?

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Is there an upgrade availible that you know of? The keypad I own is the 'KeypadLinc Dimmer 8 Button v.00'. Can you tell if I own an old version? Does it make sense that double clicking the button C (or any button that is programmed to control the load) turns on the load button on that keypad?


By the way, all my equipment was purchased within the last 6 weeks. I own the ISY 99iu Pro v2.7.6, several relays and Keypads... how can the equipment be that stale? I presume these are all questions for Insteon?


Thank for your help.

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Hi jcip,


I see the problem: you have added this KPL using brute force and unfortunately ISY was not able to retrieve its version number. Although quite painful, but may I humbly recommend the following:

1. Upgrade to 2.7.7 to ensure you have the most up to date device support

2. Remove your KPL from ISY and then add it back using New INSTEON Device | Auto Discover or Link Management | Start Linking


I am so terribly sorry for the inconvenience.


With kind regards,





Is there an upgrade availible that you know of? The keypad I own is the 'KeypadLinc Dimmer 8 Button v.00'. Can you tell if I own an old version? Does it make sense that double clicking the button C (or any button that is programmed to control the load) turns on the load button on that keypad?


By the way, all my equipment was purchased within the last 6 weeks. I own the ISY 99iu Pro v2.7.6, several relays and Keypads... how can the equipment be that stale? I presume these are all questions for Insteon?


Thank for your help.

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Hi jcip,


By brute force I mean:

1. You use Add New INSTEON Device

2. You do not use Auto Discover (you use the list and pick your device)


In some cases, when #2 tries to get the firmware version from the device, the device does not respond back and thus 0.00.


In some cases (such as motion sensors and triggerlincs) you do not have a choice but to use brute force.


I doubt that the problems with your system are related to this. ISY uses firmware version only in a very few places and especially for KPLs to figure out what functions are supported.


With kind regards,


By the way, I just checked and several of my relays, dimmers say "v.00". my system oeverall has been a little quirky. could this be the cause? i would hate to have to uninstall and reinstall all the devices.



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Michel, I'm having exactly the same issues with a new v5.0 KPL-8 button acquired last week - i.e., had to 'brute force' the initial linking of the device to the ISY and am unable to get subsidiary buttons on the KPL to link/control to the KPL main button (from the ISY).


FYI, the ISY auto discovery (run multiple times) will only recognize the main button of the v5.0 KPL and listed it as an "unrecognized device v0.00). Brute forcing it identified the sub buttons but still did not pick up the KPL version at all.


Based on what I read above, I'm guessing (hoping) that ISY firmware versions subsequent to 2.7.0 should resolve this.


So if this is a KPL version support issue, will the 2.7.7 beta support KPL v5.0's?


Thanks much,



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I unistalled the Keypad and reinstalled it while allowing the ISY to decern its type. I did not appear to work at first... but then I checked the ISY and the ramp rate was set to 9m and the on level was set to 0... i adjusted both and it worked. Thank you. By the way, the version is v.36. Guess there are many quirks to address.


Chris... does the above help you? Check the status of the button you are trying to control in both your scene and at the button level in my lighting. Before reinstalling the button that I was tryinng to command was not being added to the scene.

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