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170 z-wave devices - does it work ?

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Hello,  I am thinking of using about 170 0-10v Qubino z-wave devices to control lighting in factory and office.  Mostly line of sight.  Does anyone have experience with such a quantity,  does it "just work" ?  I think I read about 4 hops max and 230 devices max.

Are the "hops" intelligent and find best way to ISY box,  or do they just hop randomly then give up if they don't reach the isy box ?




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1 minute ago, Pico said:

Hello,  I am thinking of using about 170 0-10v Qubino z-wave devices to control lighting in factory and office.  Mostly line of sight.  Does anyone have experience with such a quantity,  does it "just work" ?  I think I read about 4 hops max and 230 devices max.

Are the "hops" intelligent and find best way to ISY box,  or do they just hop randomly then give up if they don't reach the isy box ?




Depends on how many nodes your devices make. At 170 devices most likely you'll hit the count waaay before you get to your total device count.

Zwave does it's own routing.

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I have some 80 Zwave devices . The ISY Inventory nodeserver shows that I have 324 Zwave nodes and 72 Nodeserver nodes,  and a total of 460 nodes. I believe that ISY Pro has a limit of 1000 nodes.  As such, in theory you should be able to have your 170 devices, but it may depend on how many additional nodes you create (or are generated by your devices).

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