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I am just getting to know 5x better after upgrading to it a week ago. So I forgive me if I am missing something that I thought should be in 5x. 

When creating a program, I can clearly trigger (if statement) off the "Utility - meter" features such as instant demand, etc. But, I cannot find a way to simply stuff a variable with the instantaneous demand, today summation delivered, etc. that are clearly coming in on my data feed from the meter.  I am able to see them in the meter's rest stream and use them currently in my node-red program. So why is the "module" selection missing on actions but not conditions or is there a work around I am missing? 

Example of "utility - meter" module that works well as an IF statement only:



As a similar tag on issue to the one above after upgrading to 5.x, I am having some issues with the 5x energy dashboard also. While it is showing "current usage", it is now not adjusting the decimal point correctly. The REST stream from the meter is integer based, but has an implied 4 decimal place resolution which the 4x dashboard accounted for, but now the 5x is not fixing the decimal in the right place thus pushing my monthly billing estimate into the millions of dollars each and megawatts of current usage. Of course the Month To Date is also off. Also the "today" and "yesterday" usage areas are showing zero now. Below are screen cuts of the Dashboard and the REST stream flow for comparison.  Or maybe I should open a ticket? 


A	2021/04/14 10:45:26 AM	Log	M	meterStatus	--
A	2021/04/14 10:45:26 AM	Log	M	currSumDelivered	1665994272
A	2021/04/14 10:45:39 AM	Log	M	maxCurrTier2Delivered	0
A	2021/04/14 10:45:40 AM	Log	M	maxCurrTier3Delivered	0
A	2021/04/14 10:45:40 AM	Log	M	maxCurrTier4Delivered	0
A	2021/04/14 10:45:48 AM	Error	M	maxCurrTier5Delivered
A	2021/04/14 10:45:54 AM	Log	M	instantaneousDemand	13860
A	2021/04/14 10:46:24 AM	Log	M	instantaneousDemand	14310
A	2021/04/14 10:46:54 AM	Log	M	instantaneousDemand	13210
A	2021/04/14 10:47:34 AM	Log	M	instantaneousDemand	12820
A	2021/04/14 10:47:54 AM	Log	M	instantaneousDemand	12780
A	2021/04/14 10:48:24 AM	Log	M	instantaneousDemand	12990
A	2021/04/14 10:48:54 AM	Log	M	instantaneousDemand	12820
A	2021/04/14 10:49:24 AM	Log	M	instantaneousDemand	14830


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