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Backup saves several files not one Zip


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I did a Backup ISY and the dialogue box that pops up after the backup said Vista may not save in the location selected but rather default to user/app data/local low. Thats exactly where it put it. The backup saved as five seperate files. The dialogue box said it would be a zip file.


any reason it did not zip. Is it ok to have the five seperate files in the event I need to do a restore.




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Hello Kevin,


Can you post back name of these files?


Back up should ALWAY - and without exceptions - produce a zip file.


With kind regards,



I did a Backup ISY and the dialogue box that pops up after the backup said Vista may not save in the location selected but rather default to user/app data/local low. Thats exactly where it put it. The backup saved as five seperate files. The dialogue box said it would be a zip file.


any reason it did not zip. Is it ok to have the five seperate files in the event I need to do a restore.




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Hello Michel




udi_frame.state 1KB

udi_tree.state 1KB

UDReport 200KB



Hello Kevin,


Can you post back name of these files?


Back up should ALWAY - and without exceptions - produce a zip file.


With kind regards,



I did a Backup ISY and the dialogue box that pops up after the backup said Vista may not save in the location selected but rather default to user/app data/local low. Thats exactly where it put it. The backup saved as five seperate files. The dialogue box said it would be a zip file.


any reason it did not zip. Is it ok to have the five seperate files in the event I need to do a restore.




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Hello Michel,


I am using Vista. I'm sorry to take your valuable time with what is apparently either a Vista issue or something I should know about the Vista OS.


The folder I saved to is empty. However when I do another backup and navigate to the folder it shows the previous backup. I saved another backup and then lokked at the folder via windows explorer and the file shows empty. During another back, when I pick the folder to save it in, it shows both backups.

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Hello Kevin,


No apologies necessary. You have Vista's User Account settings ON. This prevents ISY to write into any directory except the temp directory.


What you might want to try is this:

1. Control Panel | User Accounts and Family Safety

2. Click on User Accounts

3. Click on Turn User Account Control on or off (at the lower half of the screen) ... turn it off


Retry the backup and if you are satisfied then leave this feature off.


With kind regards,





Hello Michel,


I am using Vista. I'm sorry to take your valuable time with what is apparently either a Vista issue or something I should know about the Vista OS.


The folder I saved to is empty. However when I do another backup and navigate to the folder it shows the previous backup. I saved another backup and then lokked at the folder via windows explorer and the file shows empty. During another back, when I pick the folder to save it in, it shows both backups.

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Thank you! My backup is now one zip file in the folder I selected.


I was not even aware of the user account setting until I tried the backup and ran into the save issue. I've had vista for a couple of months now and I'm not likeing it.


Thanks again - your support is amazing. I'll be bringing my new ISY (and myself) up to speed over the next month or so. I'll study the forum and wiki before I post. Thanks again!



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  • 1 month later...

My System:

- Vista Home Premium 64-bit

- ISY99i/IR Pro with firmware 2.7.7

- Java

- Several Insteon devices that are all working


I create a backup zip file from the file menu in the Universal Devices Administrative Console. I save the file to the folder specified in the warning when creating a backup.


When I open the C:\Users\Trev\AppData\LocalLow\ folder I find a zip file with the name ‘ISY-Backup.date.time’. I extract that and it gives me another zip file with uuid.00.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.zip’ where the ‘x’ represents numbers of the ISY MAC address. When I try to extract that zip file it gives me the following error.


“Windows cannot complete the extraction.

The Compressed (zipped) Folder

‘C:\Users\Trev\AppData\LocalLow\ISY-Backup.2010-01-\uuid.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.zip’ is invalid.


When I look at the properties of the zip file that causes the error it states the size is 40.2Kb. I’ve tried turning Vista's User Account settings off, but it did the same thing. Any ideas?

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