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ISY Finder does not find ISY

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The ISY finder loads, and it used to be able to find my isy device but no longer can. I have tried a few things but nothing works:

1) cleaned java cache/temp files, reinstalled isy finder

2) telnet to ISY device with IP (works), logged in, confirmed that IP is dynamic, and IP assigned is proper on my network

3) If I select "add" and specify:, it says not found (even though this is the telnet IP). Any other option won't load.

4) I am on the same network, I only have 10.0.1.x subnet. I can ping + telnet to ISY device from the machine

5) turned off windows firewall to all networks (just to verify it's not interfering)

FYI - I can load the ISY web portal by visiting URL but I can't load admin console because it can't get past the isy finder screen.


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What OS are you using?  

My Windows machine is pretty much find it. But my Mac and Linux machines do not. I believe it's dependent on how your router is set up. There are probably people on here that are more knowledgeable about doing that than I am.

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