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Programming ? on 99i


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If I understand you correctly, program flags can control many ISY functions. Here is a simple example that sets a ‘Flag Prime’ to true when it is between specified evening hours.

Program  ‘Prime Time’
    From   Sunset - 45 minutes
    To      11:05:00 PM (same day)
    Run Program ‘Flag Prime’ (Then path)
    Run Program ‘Flag Prime’ (Else path)

Except for the limited time above, the ‘Flag Prime’ in the ISY is false. Flag Prime is like any other program . But it has no conditions or actions. The following program runs when I return home. It uses the program flags to turn on my outdoor lights for 15 minutes, but only when it is prime time.

Program  ‘Arrive Out’
    Run Program ‘Flag Prime’ is True
    And Run Program ‘Leave’ is True
    Run Program ‘Limited Out’ (Then path)
    -  No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Hope this helps.

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