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[FIXED] hidden door sensor with no controller or responder (or program) is turning lights on and off... what's going on?


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I have an hidden door sensor that's been in place for years. Now, suddenly... whenever it's open, our outdoor garage lights turn on. When it's closed, they turn off. 

The only thing this is setup to do is to trigger a resource which sends me a push to pushover.

I have around 100 programs (all organized of course by room) and I don't see any programs that are using it and the device shows that it's not a controller or responder.

Ideas on how to track this down? I have no idea when it started. Sometime within the last few months.



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8 hours ago, EddieRock said:

Will do. Maybe tomorrow. I'm going to sign out for the night. 

Not sure how they got linked. Neither one has been messed with for years and years.

I'll follow up.

Insteon develops AI? :)

Anything is possible with these little computers, being programmable by randomw signals and no packet checking security implemented.

I had an OnOff plug-in module start sending out Insteon Scene On codes instead of the usual acknowledge when it received it's On commands. It would turn on a recognised pattern of lights in my Gathering room, occasionally. Drove me crazy, tearing apart programs on my ISY, for about a whole year. I finally found the ISY logs showing a bad ACK from it, after some On commands sent from ISY at the times it happened. A simple extended power cycling fixed the OnOff module, and it has functioned flawlessly since then, for about 2-3 years now.

I had another Insteon device send out reverse status from new. A factory reset fixed that one.

If you believe ISY hasn't created this link do a restore on the two devices (or do a download of the links and compare first). The restore should replace the bad links with proper ones.

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If I was a betting man and assuming the OP states is true about not seeing the two devices associated in the ISY Series Controller.

The two could have been manually linked by mistake and hence why it doesn’t show up. This leads to affirming program locking all devices to guard against this potential problem.

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28 minutes ago, Teken said:

If I was a betting man and assuming the OP states is true about not seeing the two devices associated in the ISY Series Controller.

The two could have been manually linked by mistake and hence why it doesn’t show up. This leads to affirming program locking all devices to guard against this potential problem. emoji106.png

Is that what that is for? Good idea.

However, how do I reprogram a device to allow programing then, after it cannot be programmed? :)

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4 hours ago, EddieRock said:

This has never happened before

I've only had it happen once.    Depending how many devices you have, it may not be worth it... just fix it if you ever get a ghost link again.  I also am not sure it would necessarily solve the problem, it prevents accidental linking.. maybe the ghost link didn't come from accidental linking, maybe it was a comm error.

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Ok. Reset the dimmer and then restored the device. That fixed it! All you guys are great!!!

I guess I'm really lucky the two devices were right next to each other. The switch was right next to the door and the light for the switch was on the outside of the wall. I was wondering why those lights were randomly off when they should be on. Then yesterday, I went through the door and the light went on and off. I was like... What the hell is going on? Opened and closed the door and the light responded. Checked the ISY and there was no link.

So, if there was some random INSTEON linking between any other two devices, I think I would have gone crazy trying to figure out what was going on. 

Is there a way to see the links between Insteon devices outside of the ISY without having a INSTEON Hub?

Thanks again guys!!

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Ok. Reset the dimmer and then restored the device. That fixed it! All you guys are great!!!
I guess I'm really lucky the two devices were right next to each other. The switch was right next to the door and the light for the switch was on the outside of the wall. I was wondering why those lights were randomly off when they should be on. Then yesterday, I went through the door and the light went on and off. I was like... What the hell is going on? Opened and closed the door and the light responded. Checked the ISY and there was no link.
So, if there was some random INSTEON linking between any other two devices, I think I would have gone crazy trying to figure out what was going on. 
Is there a way to see the links between Insteon devices outside of the ISY without having a INSTEON Hub?
Thanks again guys!!

Going off memory HL2 if available would be able to read all the links and hardware found in the Insteon network I believe.
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