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Strange KPL behavior


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I have:

- a 2486D KPL v.29

- set in the 8 button mode

- no load on the switch at position A


The device will run scenes from all eight buttons, but the events will only show up on the ISY event log for buttons C, D, E, F. All events are missing from the event log on the other four - the KPL press as well as the scene devices.


I tried to set up a Program on button H, but the program will not run. The same Program utilizing another KPL (if KPL-1H or KPL-2H) runs fine. (C,D,E,F are in use, so I didn't test whether program will run on those)


I have tried a reset at the switch with no change. I can swap out the KPL for another, but I want to make sure I did not miss anything before I go through the aggravation of doing so.




You guys are the greatest ..

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Hi Al,


Would you be kind enough to go to Tools | Diagnostics | Show Device Link Table ... when done, click on the Compare button. If you do not have identical records, then do a Restore Device on it.


Personally I think the problem is that you do not have any links in the PLM for those other buttons. What is your PLM firmware version and how many links does it currently contain (Tools | Show PLM Link Table --> Count).


With kind regards,



I have:

- a 2486D KPL v.29

- set in the 8 button mode

- no load on the switch at position A


The device will run scenes from all eight buttons, but the events will only show up on the ISY event log for buttons C, D, E, F. All events are missing from the event log on the other four - the KPL press as well as the scene devices.


I tried to set up a Program on button H, but the program will not run. The same Program utilizing another KPL (if KPL-1H or KPL-2H) runs fine. (C,D,E,F are in use, so I didn't test whether program will run on those)


I have tried a reset at the switch with no change. I can swap out the KPL for another, but I want to make sure I did not miss anything before I go through the aggravation of doing so.




You guys are the greatest ..

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Hi Michel -


Strange ...


Tools | Diagnostics | Show Device Link Table --> Count = 0

Tools | Diagnostics | Show PLM Link Table --> Count = 0

Tools | Diagnostics | Show ISY Link Table --> Count = 0


PLM rev 3.1

ISY release 2.7.0


Sounds like more than a Restore Device problem. Where do I go from here?

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Hi Al,


This cannot be!!!


You will have to click on the Start button first to choose your device/Start the process. Did you do this?


With kind regards,



Hi Michel -


Strange ...


Tools | Diagnostics | Show Device Link Table --> Count = 0

Tools | Diagnostics | Show PLM Link Table --> Count = 0

Tools | Diagnostics | Show ISY Link Table --> Count = 0


PLM rev 3.1

ISY release 2.7.0


Sounds like more than a Restore Device problem. Where do I go from here?

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Hi Michel -


Oops .. I guess that shows that I do not run diagnostics often. Being early AM didn't help..


Tools | Show PLM Link Table --> Count

Before device restored - 87

After device restored - 97


Tools | Diagnostics | Show Device Link Table

Before restored

record mismatch - 3

ignore - 2

missing this record - 36


Restored device - I cannot resolve the record mismatches. They are still showing up. What does that signify?


Buttons are now showing up in the event viewer


Thanks for your help!!

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Hi Al,


Have you recently replaced your PLM? 87 links in your PLM is awfully low unless you have just a handful of devices.


If you still have record mismatches, it means that ISY could not write to that device. Try the compare one more time but this time make sure you read the whole Device Link Database again before doing the compare.


With kind regards,


Hi Michel -


Oops .. I guess that shows that I do not run diagnostics often. Being early AM didn't help..


Tools | Show PLM Link Table --> Count

Before device restored - 87

After device restored - 97


Tools | Diagnostics | Show Device Link Table

Before restored

record mismatch - 3

ignore - 2

missing this record - 36


Restored device - I cannot resolve the record mismatches. They are still showing up. What does that signify?


Buttons are now showing up in the event viewer


Thanks for your help!!

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Hi Michel -


Sorry for the delay, we were out of town for the holidays.


I still have a significant number of mismatches on just about every device, even after restoring the device. In many cases, I get the error message Request Failed when I try to restore the device.


I also tried to restore the PLM. Got the same Request Failed about halfway through, though I now have more links in the PLM links table (160 - still too low).


Clearly something is wrong .. Your thoughts on where I go from here would be appreciated.

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You say that the device will run scenes on all buttons but that the ISY does not recognize it. How did you set the scenes up if the ISY did not recognize it? Did it once recognize it but now it does not?


At the risk of sounding stupid:


a. did you set all scenes up using ISY or did you create some directly with the devices?

b. is it possible you changed the configuration of the switch from 6 to 8 key configuration after it was linked to the ISY?

c. what buttons are now showing up in the event viewer, all eight or just the four you mentioned?

d. have you added some new electronic device, appliance, or charger to you house since this was last working?

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Hi Al, in addition to the observations by oberkc, I really do think you have major communications issues. All these request failed messages are not normal and, in 99.9% of the cases, they only happen if the PLM cannot communicate with your devices.


So, the first thing I would do is isolate which devices are having issues. Please make a list of those that you frequently get request failed for. Then, we are going to go through each one and figure out which one is causing the issues.


With kind regards,


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Michel/oberkc -


I'll start making a list of the Request Failed Devices, though the one of greatest concern is the Request Fail on the PLM itself when I try to restore it.


A big problem will be that I cannot pinpoint an exact date when I started having problems, as most of these devices have been programmed for almost two years. That will make it difficult to determine if I have appliances in the house which may be interfering with the PLM.


Additional info:


- The ISY and computer are both hard-wired via router

- All scenes were set up via ISY

- The KPL issue has been overcome by the global Request Fail and Device Mismatch issues

- I'm running four Wireless access points and a 2406H Phase Coupler (too many?)


Frustrating ..


Happy New Year to all!!

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The PLM is NOT failing. The request failed is the inability of the PLM communicating with one or more of your devices. With Pro and 2.7.8, you will have indications of which devices are having comm errors. Nonetheless, having that list is the first step and I am sure we'll get to the bottom of it.


With kind regards,


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Hi Al,


With 2.7.8 for PRO, all devices that have pending writes are identified in the tree with a little green arrow. These arrows do not go away until:

1. All writes are successful (eventually)

2. You remove the device


All we need you to do is:

1. Go to File | Restore ISY

2. Take a break

3. When you come back, all failed devices will have those little arrows next to them


With kind regards,




Michel -


I understand .. I will upgrade to 2.7.8. Once I do, which diagnostics tool will generate the comm error list you described? I didn't find it in a forum search.


Happy New Year

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When I go to:


File | Restore ISY a dialog box opens, looking to upload a file. Should I be making a backup first, and then reload the backup? The latest backup I have is of v 2.7.0 before I loaded v 2.7.8.


Is it because I do not have Pro? I thought I did .. the About screen shows ISY 99i (1020).

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Hi Al,


I am so very sorry ... I meant Restore Devices.


If you do not have Pro, all you have to do is to open the Event Viewer on level 3. When the process is done, we just have to go through the log to see which devices did not restore.


With kind regards,



When I go to:


File | Restore ISY a dialog box opens, looking to upload a file. Should I be making a backup first, and then reload the backup? The latest backup I have is of v 2.7.0 before I loaded v 2.7.8.


Is it because I do not have Pro? I thought I did .. the About screen shows ISY 99i (1020).

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Hi Michel -


I upgraded to PRO, and ran Restore Devices. PRO is very nice BTW, worth the upgrade.


Six devices have green arrows after the run. Four are KPLs


BR KPL - All buttons

FR KPL - All buttons

Kitchen KPL - All buttons

Hallway KPL - All buttons

Kitchen Sink Light

Driveway Floods


How do I resolve these? Do I try to restore each individually or is there another trick ..

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My first question is this:

Out of all these devices, which ones are connected to CFL. low voltage transformers, or Halogen lights?


A similar test would be to make sure ALL these devices are off and try restoring then one at a time.


In short, we want to make sure there are no sources of noise before we go to the next step.


With kind regards,


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Michel -


Yes, all the devices except one are connected to one or more banks of CFLs. This may be my downfall, my house is full of 'em.


All CFLs are off (as they were when I did it the first time), and a curious thing happened when I restored a single device:


Select | Right Click | Restore Device and the ISY sequentially restored all the devices with green arrows. Is this a function of PRO?


All but one restored in that pass, and the last one restored the second time around.


For now, I guess I am good .. are there any other tests I should run? Should I think about getting rid of all the CFLs?


I'm sorry I wasted a lot of your time - thank you so much for the assistance.

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Hi Michel -


I upgraded to PRO, and ran Restore Devices. PRO is very nice BTW, worth the upgrade.


Six devices have green arrows after the run. Four are KPLs


BR KPL - All buttons

FR KPL - All buttons

Kitchen KPL - All buttons

Hallway KPL - All buttons

Kitchen Sink Light

Driveway Floods


How do I resolve these? Do I try to restore each individually or is there another trick ..


Hi awzulich,


If you are not in batch mode, then the reason you still see the green arrows is that it tried to write the data to those devices but couldn't. Whenever you make any further changes to any device, or whenever you toggle batch mode, it will try to write them again. If you are having problems with the device and don't want ISY to keep trying to write out the changes to it, then you can disable the device until you have resolved the problem with it.

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