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Left green light blinking


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I noticed the left green LED was blinking but all on polyglot appear to be running fine. I restarted Polisy and it still blinked. Eventually, I power cycled and it’s no longer blinking and all still working.


What does a blinking leftbLED mean for future reference? Could find it by searching and in wiki. Not beyond just missing it. Lol



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You must have gotten the latest UDX ... it means that it's updating the firmware.
With kind regards,

I waited a couple hours before I power cycled but then had sinking feeling it might have been FW update. You are best engineer so you likely planned for this user error or a power failure while FW update in progress. Any chance I screwed it up or anything I should look at to confirm? .. or did flashing green mean FW updated so please power cycle?

As always, thanks. Looking forward to going all Polisy soon.
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