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ISY Portal and Mobilink Remote


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Out of the blue my MobiLink will not connect remotely. This happens every now and then but is really a pain to fix when I am remote. So I'm looking to try the ISY Portal solution, BUT...

during the activation it warns "Please note that the installation of the ISY Portal module will deactivate the MobiLinc module."

Q: If I continue and it does not work as promised, can Mobilink be re-activated?

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6 minutes ago, Ray said:

Out of the blue my MobiLink will not connect remotely. This happens every now and then but is really a pain to fix when I am remote. So I'm looking to try the ISY Portal solution, BUT...

during the activation it warns "Please note that the installation of the ISY Portal module will deactivate the MobiLinc module."

Q: If I continue and it does not work as promised, can Mobilink be re-activated?


Have you considered using UD Mobile instead of Mobilinc ?

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17 minutes ago, Ray said:

Q: If I continue and it does not work as promised, can Mobilink be re-activated?

You can swap back and forth yes, but I don't know how successful you'll be doing it remotely as the portal connection does need approval via the admin console. 

the directions are here: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Instructions_for_Purchase.2FActivation.2FDeactivation

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1 hour ago, Ray said:

I followed instructions and unintalled Mobilink Pro and but Mobilink Pro can not be found now. UGG!

@Ray What phone OS are you using? iOS or Android? If in iOS you should be able to still find it in the app store. If not then look at your purchases (in the app store click your icon in top right then purchased then my purchases. You should be able to find it in there. Sorry...don't know about the Android app store. 

At least to be able to get it installed on the phone again. (for iOS anyway)

Since you were using the Mobilinc Pro version you could use the UDI Portal for remote access. Otherwise, the "old" method of port forwarding would be an option. Probably the reason you would suddenly have issues connecting was if your IP changed if you weren't using a DDNS options.  Other situation could have been local IP changed if you didn't have DHCP reserved for the ISY or didn't have ISY setup as static on the LAN. (sorry...weeds...don't get lost in the weeds of the technical side)

However, I think you're going the right direction of going with UD Mobile. The ISY Portal is a deal at less than $1/mo to give you so many additional features (remote access, network resources, and Alexa/Google Home). 


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On 1/10/2022 at 3:16 PM, Ray said:


Yeah, sorry...can't help on that side. I'm sure it's something like Google doesn't allow you to see outdated apps if they aren't specifically rated for your OS. (Or the older versions have been removed and only Mobilinc X remains)

Have fun using UD Mobile. @Javi has done a great job getting that up and running. 


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