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Rebuilt os and can no longer get into admin console


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2 hours ago, MForman said:

I also tried these instructions:


But they don’t actually show how to get the ISY launcher working, so they’re incomplete.


As @Techman says you just need the launcher and it will do all the "work" for you. (Read about its release here)

The main thing if nothing is happening then it sounds like you don't have Java installed or are using a browser that isn't java "friendly". 

Since you just clean installed Win10 what browser are you using? 

Make sure you go to https://java.com/en/ and download/install Java. Then go back and download the launcher from the wiki you linked to. Most browsers will have a warning that the file might be harmful, but it's okay and save it. Then go where you downloaded it and double click the start.jnlp and allow it to run (you might get another Java warning)


I just tried this in Edge and it does warn you...



Click the "..." to get the following menu and select "KEEP"




Then you should be good to go!


The key is having Java installed before running the start.jnlp. Once it runs you should have an icon on the desktop like this:


From there you'll get the "ISY Finder" window. As long as you're on your local network with the ISY994 it should auto  find and put the UUID and other information there. Then anywhere on that line you can click and get this menu:


Click on the Admin Console for either LAN or Cloud (depending on your location relative to the ISY994) and it will load the correct Admin Console relative to your firmware.

Key from that point...always make sure you User Interface (UI) and Firmware (FW) match. (Admin console -> Help -> About).

Good luck! Report back how you progress.


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