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2.7.8/9 Instructions

Michel Kohanim

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Hello all,


Please take a note of the following instructions:


Known Bugs in 2.7.9

KPL issues: adding sub button and load to a scene does not work in 99i Series (it works in PRO)

KPL/RL issues: adding a button to a scene removes the slave link in the PLM

ELK issues: There seems to be a bug where adding the security code in the configuration causes a crash. Please do not use the security code in the configuration page since it really does not provide any function yet

X10 issues: In some cases, the system may crash. In others, the A10/X10 module cannot readily process X10 commands/messages




Known Bugs in 2.7.8

1. System CRASH in case of larger (>75 nodes) installations. If you have a system crash, please downgrade to 2.7.7 and then restore your 2.7.7 backup (File | Restore ISY)

2. Email editor dialog does not always work and requires the Admin Console to be restarted

3. Upgrading to PRO removed all other installed modules



Most UI related anomalies are related to Java cache. Please ensure that you have cleared your Java cache.


Please be patient at startup! ... 2.7.8 goes through a migration phase to migrate all the configuration files to 2.7.8 format. As such, upon the first startup, if you see rapidly blinking MEM lights then all is normal and please do let the process continue. Please note that this process might take up to a few minutes depending on the number of devices you have setup in your ISY.


V2 Thermostats

1. If already installed, they have to be first removed from ISY

2. Please ensure they are in the OFF mode before linking them back to ISY

3. Try using Link Management | Start Linking

4. You can safely remove your thermostat queries

Note Changing the Fan status (on the thermostat itself) too quickly causes the updates not be sent to ISY. This is NOT a bug but limitations on the thermostat adapter interface.


The thermostats are represented by 4 nodes:

The main node - this is the main thermostat node

xxx - Cool Control - indicates when the thermostat is calling for Cool

xxx - Heat Control- indicates when the thermostat is calling for Heat

xxx - Fan Control - indicates when the fan is on/off


The main node can be used as a responder in any scenes and thus you can impact changes to the thermostat settings based on other INSTEON devices/ISY scene.


The other nodes can be used as controllers in any of your scenes. So, for instance, adding the Cool Control in a scene as controller would cause all responders in the scene to turn on when the thermostat is calling for Cool and turn off when the thermostat is calling for Heat.



1. IRLinc TX does not follow batch processing. This is not a bug



1. Make sure you clear your Java cache

2. Your previous list of email addresses must have been migrated to an entry named Migrated

3. Each entry/rule could have as many email addresses as you would like and you can have as many entries/rules as you wish

Known Bug: On the email address edit dialog, if you hit the Cancel button, you will have to close and reopen the Admin Console otherwise email entries will not be added to the rules list.


KPL Button Groupings in Scenes

In this release, you can create button groupings through scenes:

1. For each controller button, change the on level for those buttons that need to turn off to 0

2. For each controller button, change the on level for those buttons that need to turn on to 100%

Note: This is the preferred method for button groupings since:

a. We are going to make the manual method obsolete

b. The correct status of buttons are reflected in ISY regardless of their grouping


If you so choose to use the manual method, please note that if you have those buttons in any scenes, any changes might have an adverse impact on the relationship between those buttons as reflected in the scenes.


Although not recommended, the new Button Grouping dialog now lets you create non-mutually exclusive groupings in the top panel (when A is on turn B off but not the other way around):

1. The first row identifies the controller of the button grouping

2. The other rows identify buttons that have to be turned off when corresponding button in the first row is checked

3. For mutually exclusive buttons use the bottom panel as it is identical to the previous releases



Thanks and with kind regards,


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sory Michel


Still confused. First: Is "grouping" and "Mutual Exclusive " the same thing? Second: I only used ME before, and some of the buttons are not in scenes that i want ME for, are you saying to add them?


Not want to burden you with something I should know, perhaps this is explaned better in the wiki?

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Hi jkraus,


Sorry for the confusion.


Groupings are basically how each button responds to another button. Mutual Exclusive buttons are a special case of Grouping where turning one button turns others Off AND vice versa (i.e. mutually exclusive state).


If your buttons are NOT in any scenes, then you can use the same method as before. My question is what's the point of buttons not in scenes? Are they controlling anything? Are they responding to something?


Again, if you want the correct status of your buttons to be reflected in ISY, you must include them in scenes and then ISY can figure out which button is on or off regardless of their grouping.


With kind regards,


sory Michel


Still confused. First: Is "grouping" and "Mutual Exclusive " the same thing? Second: I only used ME before, and some of the buttons are not in scenes that i want ME for, are you saying to add them?


Not want to burden you with something I should know, perhaps this is explaned better in the wiki?

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sorry for the confusion. Yes they are in scences just not together, simply two scenes "Pool Brite" and "Pool Dim" with KPL-B in one and KPL-D in another, but want them ME.


But as I type this I think I see what you mean. I wrote these two scenes early after getting my isy, now I think I see I should have made just one scene with both buttons in them but controlling the pool lite to diffent leves based on which button was pressed, OK now I think I understand, and to make them ME, make the other one off. I will try that. Guess I have to redo my scenes!

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Hi jkraus,


YES. You got it. Now, this way, everything is represented in scenes + the added bonus that ISY now keeps track of the state of these buttons for you (unlike before). Just to reiterate:

1. Put them both in the same scene make both controllers

2. For each one, make the other turn off


With kind regards,


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I seem to have lost my networking module (which I had purchased a short time ago). After upgrading to 2.7.8, I decided that I may as well upgrade to the pro version (which I dutifully paid for and installed)


Now I have no networking configuration tab. Did I do something wrong?

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If your buttons are NOT in any scenes, then you can use the same method as before. My question is what's the point of buttons not in scenes? Are they controlling anything? Are they responding to something?


Michel, I currently have a KPL button set to controll whether or not certian programs are allowed to run it's basically a 'vacation' button, if it's on, then a series of timed programs in a conditional folder run. The button itself really doesn't control or respond to any other device. What would I do in this instance? Set up a scene with only this button in it?

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Just spent the past 3+ hours trying to upgrade to 2.7.8 from 2.7.7. Every time I install 2.7.8, I can't connect to the ISY at all... well, it works for about 10 seconds then fails. I first thought it was an issue with my network or a hardware issue with the ISY, but once I go back to 2.7.7, everything works fine. Tried this 3 times and keep getting the same issue. I've had to take out the memory card, reformat, and do multiple power cycles/pressing the orange button inside and factory resets to even be able to get in to go back to 2.7.7. Anyone else have this issue?

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Just spent the past 3+ hours trying to upgrade to 2.7.8 from 2.7.7. Every time I install 2.7.8, I can't connect to the ISY at all... well, it works for about 10 seconds then fails. I first thought it was an issue with my network or a hardware issue with the ISY, but once I go back to 2.7.7, everything works fine. Tried this 3 times and keep getting the same issue. I've had to take out the memory card, reformat, and do multiple power cycles/pressing the orange button inside and factory resets to even be able to get in to go back to 2.7.7. Anyone else have this issue?


I've got the same issue but I can't even get to the ISY for 10 seconds. I've taken the same path as you and moved back to 2.7.7. I only had to do a factory reset and install 2.7.7 to get back to working order. My post is in the 2.7.7 2.7.8 thread.

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I just upgrade from 2.7.6 to 2.7.8 and everything went perfectly. I added four new v2.0 Tsats and agian perfect. However, my EZSnSRF now does not work. I compared the link tables and there was a mismatch. I deleted and reinstalled the EZSnSRF but now I get no links at all in the ISY table. No matter what I do I get links in the device, but nothing in the ISY. The sensor links fine and I see blinking traffic, but the ISY sees no traffic. I am sure this is one problem that you hate to see and I know there are support issues. However, everything works if I switch back to 2.7.6 and now I am lost. Thanks.

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Hello all,


Apologies for a collective response ....



No, you are not doing anything wrong. This issue was reported before as well and it must be a bug. Would you be kind enough to send your uuid (Help | About) to tech@universal-devices.com? I'll have it taken care of immediately.




It does not seem like you are using Mutually exclusive buttons anyway. You just have ONE button the state of which is used to enable a folder. If you have two or more buttons in a Mutual Exclusive relationship, it's best to put them in scenes so that ISY could keep track of the status correctly.



Apologies for the inconvenience. Would you please let me know:

Do you get the Mem/Error lights blinking? Can yo get to it via telnet? Can you access the HTML page? What URL are you using to get to ISY?



I'll take a look at the other post.



I will have to take a look at this.


With kind regards,


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Apologies for the inconvenience. Would you please let me know:

Do you get the Mem/Error lights blinking? Can yo get to it via telnet? Can you access the HTML page? What URL are you using to get to ISY?



With kind regards,



At first boot, yes, the lights blinked but only for a second. After that, only the power light remained solid. The only way I was able to access it with 2.7.8 installed was with Telnet. I tried the following...






Also, after going back to 2.7.7 and posting this I noticed things in the Network module were not working in programs. They just read "Response type=8" in existing programs and it wasn't in the drop down list to use in new ones (see image).Screen%20shot%202010-01-03%20at%205.09.34%20PM.png[/img]

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Hello sk8er02,


Apologies for the inconvenience. Thanks to hart2hart, the system crash has been reproduced and we are now working on a fix.


As far as the network module, please ensure that your Network Module is still installed (Help | About). If not, please send your uuid to tech@universal-devices.com so that we can resolve this issue immediately.


With kind regards,


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I really like the new enhancements in 2.7.7 and 2.7.8. Really solid work.


I've upgraded my Pro to 2.7.8. Is it possible that the Homeseer "Plug-in for Universal Devices Insteon ISY" would no longer work due to changes in for 2.7.8? Homeseer previously would read in all the devices under 2.7.7 and communicate back and forth via this interface. Now, I'm getting an "ISY configuration query attempt failed" message and it won't link.


I'm checking with isyinsteon@bobsplace.com, but thought I would also check with you.


Thanks...keep up the good work.


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Hi Jackie,


I saw this post before the email. The current release version of the HomeSeer ISYInsteon plug-in does not work with the 2.7.8 firmware. Some of the interface API changes cause some failures in the initial communications between the plug-in and the ISY. There is a beta version of the plug-in posted on the HomeSeer forum that does work with the 2.7.8 firmware.


See http://board.homeseer.com/showthread.php?t=138709




I really like the new enhancements in 2.7.7 and 2.7.8. Really solid work.


I've upgraded my Pro to 2.7.8. Is it possible that the Homeseer "Plug-in for Universal Devices Insteon ISY" would no longer work due to changes in for 2.7.8? Homeseer previously would read in all the devices under 2.7.7 and communicate back and forth via this interface. Now, I'm getting an "ISY configuration query attempt failed" message and it won't link.


I'm checking with isyinsteon@bobsplace.com, but thought I would also check with you.


Thanks...keep up the good work.


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I am also having problems with my EzSnsRf, was working fine in 2.7.6. Event viewer level 3 shows ISY is receiving the messages but not updating the status of the device, on any of my 3 sensors.



I also have a RemoteLinc button where ISY was updating the status for the RemoteLinc button but not the controlled device; other buttons on the same RemoteLinc was updating both like expected.


Downgraded back to 2.7.6, restored backup, both the above are back to working like expected.



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Hi Nick,


Thanks so very much for the update. We are looking into the EZSnSRF issue ... the RL might be a totally different issue. Would you be kind enough to let me know whether or not other RL buttons worked?


With kind regards,



Hi Michel,


Yes the other RL buttons worked liked expected, ISY updated the status of both the RL and the linked device.




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Hey Guys,


I just wanted to say, that at first I was trying to update my ISY to 2.7.8 via wifi, and it kept crashing, so then I decided to follow the warning about only updating via wired network, and guess what, it worked..


I have now successfully upgraded to 2.7.8 and relinked 5 ver thermostats and it works great within the ISY admin panel. I also upgraded to the new ISY-HS plugin from the HS forums, and all seems to be going perfect... thanks for including me in the Alpha and I will post my results as they arise...

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Hi All,


after a little more testing (playing), I have noticed that the email feature in the admin panel is not sending out emails for me. I am getting a [-50001 mail server failure[password not accepted]], however I know for a fact that it is the correct password. I am using a Verison Fios Connection and have tried the default port as well as 80 for the SMTP ports.



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