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Suddenly can't connect to Polyglot on Ras Pi

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I've had Polyglot V2 working fine on a Rasp Pi for a few years now.  Decided to update to the latest version of Polyglot last night and after the update, suddenly when I'd try to log into Polyglot in Chrome, I would get a "This site can't be reached, <IP address> refused to connect".

I am using HTTPS and it is the same address I've always used for the PI (set by reservation in my router).

Today I tried wiping the Pi and reloading Raspian and Polyglot V2 and I still get the error.

Anybody got any suggestions as to what might be causing this?  Is this a Windows Firewall issue?  If so, I'm not sure how to correct that and am curious why it never happened before.

I appreciate any help you might be able to give.




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I've had Polyglot V2 working fine on a Rasp Pi for a few years now.  Decided to update to the latest version of Polyglot last night and after the update, suddenly when I'd try to log into Polyglot in Chrome, I would get a "This site can't be reached, refused to connect".
I am using HTTPS and it is the same address I've always used for the PI (set by reservation in my router).
Today I tried wiping the Pi and reloading Raspian and Polyglot V2 and I still get the error.
Anybody got any suggestions as to what might be causing this?  Is this a Windows Firewall issue?  If so, I'm not sure how to correct that and am curious why it never happened before.
I appreciate any help you might be able to give.

I would try using http (no s) and/or a different browser. Doubtful it is firewall, but you could turn off briefly to test.
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Thanks for the reply.

I tried HTTP (no S) as well as different browsers just to see.  All have the same response (refused to connect).  I've even tried accessing from another computer, same thing.

I can SSH into the Ras Pi using Putty, so the IP address is correct and the connection is there, just can access Polyglot on port 3000.

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2 hours ago, BIngwell said:

I can SSH into the Ras Pi using Putty, so the IP address is correct and the connection is there, just can access Polyglot on port 3000.

Maybe its not running, check:

sudo systemctl status polyglot-v2.service

There are log files that might point to the problem if it's not running.  The github page has more info on all of this.



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Here is what I get when I check to see if it is running:


pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo systemctl status polyglot-v2.service
● polyglot-v2.service - polyglot-v2
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/polyglot-v2.service; enabled; vendor pres
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2022-02-03 00:08:01 GMT; 7ms ago
 Main PID: 30304 (polyglot-v2-lin)
    Tasks: 1 (limit: 3720)
   CGroup: /system.slice/polyglot-v2.service
           └─30304 /home/pi/polyglot/polyglot-v2-linux-armv7


Seems to show it is running, but I'm wondering about the running for only 7 ms?  Is that normal?

However, when I try to get the log file, I get a Permission denied error


pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ~/.polyglot/log/debug.log
-bash: /home/pi/.polyglot/log/debug.log: Permission denied


Does this lend anything to the potential reason why I can't access Polyglot?

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1 hour ago, BIngwell said:

I'm wondering about the running for only 7 ms? 

If you run the command multiple times and it's always 7ms, then I suspect that it runs for 7 ms crashes and then restarts only to crash again.

I saw this on the github page:

# Watch the logs real-time
tail -f ~/.polyglot/log/debug.log

Did you try that?

My expertise is limited here so others may have to jump in to help you with this issue.

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Alright, so I tried again and did a manual install and when it came time to launch Polyglot, I did so with debug logging turned on.  Here are the results.  Looks like Polyglot is shutting down because of an SSL CTX use certificate key too small error.

How do I go about fixing that?


pi@raspberrypi:~/polyglot $ NODE_ENV=development ./polyglot-v2-linux-armv7
2/3/2022, 02:13:50 [polyglot] debug: Created PID file: /home/pi/.polyglot/polyglot.pid
2/3/2022, 02:13:51 [polyglot] info: Starting Polyglot....
2/3/2022, 02:13:52 [polyglot] info: Settings: No config found in database, creating settings entries.
2/3/2022, 02:13:52 [polyglot] info: Auto Discovering ISY on local network.....
2/3/2022, 02:13:52 [polyglot] info: ISY discovered at address:
2/3/2022, 02:13:53 [polyglot] info: Settings: Polyglot Version 2.2.11
2/3/2022, 02:13:53 [polyglot] info: Settings: Retrieved config from database
2/3/2022, 02:13:53 [polyglot] info: Settings: Retrieved config overrides from .env and updated database
2/3/2022, 02:13:53 [polyglot] info: SSL: No HTTPS Certificate or Key found. Generating...
2/3/2022, 02:13:58 [polyglot] info: SSL: Certificate Generation completed successfully.
2/3/2022, 02:13:58 [polyglot] debug: Checking for DB Maintenence needs...
2/3/2022, 02:13:58 [polyglot] debug: DB maintenence needed, please wait...
2/3/2022, 02:13:58 [polyglot] info: Aedes MQTT Broker Service: Started on port 1883
2/3/2022, 02:13:59 [polyglot] error: Startup error. Shutting down: Error: error:140AB18F:SSL routines:SSL_CTX_use_certificate:ee key too small
2/3/2022, 02:13:59 [polyglot] info: Polyglot shutdown complete with code: 1
pi@raspberrypi:~/polyglot $

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I'm glad you got it running.  I don't know if you follow the Polyglot developments on this forum but in case you don't just a heads up that future development of Polyglot and the Node Servers is rapidly moving to V3.  V3 will not run on a RPi, you will need a Polisy to run it.  V3 importantly will provide a mechanism to compensate the developers for their hard work that we have all been enjoying for years free of charge.

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