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I would like the RemoteLinc buttons to execute programs in the ISY 99i PRO. However, the last state of the buttons are not maintained in the ISY. Does this matter? When I hit a button on the RemoteLinc will is simply send an ON or OFF signal to the ISY? Can I then write a program that picks up on that signal through an "IF" statement and executes a program? Is is that simple?

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Pretty much. Here's an example of a program that I use with a RemoteLinc:


       Control 'RemoteLinc: Button 1' is switched On
       Set 'Some Light' On
  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

There's a bit of a delay, but it works great.

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  • 3 months later...

Hello mflieger,


Before any of the programs working, you have to make sure that ISY actually "hears" the button presses on your RL. As such, please open the Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer, change the level to 3, then click each and every one of your RL buttons and let me know if you see any "DON" or "DOF" records.


If not, I strongly recommend removing the RL from ISY, doing a factory reset on it, and then add it back in. Please do ensure that you do NOT use any of the 1..6 buttons to take the RL out of programming mode since, by doing so, that button will never report its status to ISY.


With kind regards,


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Hello mflieger,


Please do ensure that you do NOT use any of the 1..6 buttons to take the RL out of programming mode since, by doing so, that button will never report its status to ISY.


With kind regards,



What is this about? I don't remember seeing this documented anywhere.

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