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Weatherflow Connection


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The Weatherflow subs appear in the left hand device tree, but the values do not update.

Weatherflow           True    1647110056 seconds

                Barometric Pressure   o,o, Falling

                Humidity                      0%

                Illumination                   0,0,0

                Lightning                        0,0

                Precipitation                   all zero

                Temperatures                 All zero f

                Wind                                0, no wind, 0, no wind, 0






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Log output:

2022-03-12 11:28:13,006 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30
2022-03-12 11:28:14,269 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:init_interface: Received Config from STDIN.
2022-03-12 11:28:14,271 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     __init__:<module>: UDI Polyglot v2 Interface 2.1.0 Starting...
2022-03-12 11:28:14,696 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: gws: {'default': {2: ('', 'igb0')}, 2: [('', 'igb0', True)]}
2022-03-12 11:28:14,696 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: gw: default=('', 'igb0')
2022-03-12 11:28:14,697 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: ifad: igb0=[{'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}]
2022-03-12 11:28:14,698 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:__init__: Connect: Network Interface: {'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}
2022-03-12 11:28:14,700 Interface  polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_startMqtt: Connecting to MQTT... localhost:1883
2022-03-12 11:28:14,752 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Connected with result code 0 (Success)
2022-03-12 11:28:14,753 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/ns/3 -  MID: 1 Result: 0
2022-03-12 11:28:14,754 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/connections/polyglot -  MID: 2 Result: 0
2022-03-12 11:28:14,755 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: Sent Connected message to Polyglot
2022-03-12 11:28:14,759 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 1 - QoS: (0,)
2022-03-12 11:28:14,761 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 2 - QoS: (0,)
2022-03-12 11:28:14,808 Node server polyinterface      INFO     weatherflow:start: Starting WeatherFlow Node Server
2022-03-12 11:28:14,809 MQTT       polyinterface      DEBUG    weatherflow:process_config: -- configuration is valid
2022-03-12 11:28:14,810 Node server polyinterface      ERROR    node_funcs:get_saved_log_level: Found saved log level 0
2022-03-12 11:28:14,811 Node server polyinterface      ERROR    node_funcs:save_log_level: saving log level to customdata
2022-03-12 11:28:14,812 Node server polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:saveCustomData: Sending customData to Polyglot.
2022-03-12 11:28:14,928 Node server polyinterface      INFO     node_funcs:set_logging_level: set_logging_level: Setting log level to 0
2022-03-12 11:28:15,223 Node server polyinterface      ERROR    weatherflow:query_wf: Bad: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
2022-03-12 11:28:15,224 Node server py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /var/polyglot/node servers/WeatherFlowPoly/nodes/weatherflow.py:387: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=6, laddr=('', 57303), raddr=('', 80)>
2022-03-12 11:28:15,224 Node server py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /var/polyglot/node servers/WeatherFlowPoly/nodes/weatherflow.py:387: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=6, laddr=('', 57303), raddr=('', 80)>
2022-03-12 11:28:18,248 Node server polyinterface      ERROR    hub:__init__: No sensor devices found (Sky, Air, Tempest)
2022-03-12 11:28:18,266 Thread-1   polyinterface      ERROR    polyinterface:write: Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 870, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/var/polyglot/node servers/WeatherFlowPoly/nodes/weatherflow.py", line 770, in udp_data
    s.bind(('', self.params.get('ListenPort')))
TypeError: an integer is required (got type str)
2022-03-12 11:28:18,268 Thread-1   py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py:960: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_DGRAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 0)>
2022-03-12 11:28:18,268 Thread-1   py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py:960: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_DGRAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 0)>
2022-03-12 11:33:50,335 Controller polyinterface      ERROR    weatherflow:query_wf: Bad: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
2022-03-12 11:33:50,338 Controller py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /var/polyglot/node servers/WeatherFlowPoly/nodes/weatherflow.py:387: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=6, laddr=('', 45562), raddr=('', 80)>
2022-03-12 11:33:50,338 Controller py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /var/polyglot/node servers/WeatherFlowPoly/nodes/weatherflow.py:387: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=6, laddr=('', 45562), raddr=('', 80)>
2022-03-12 11:33:50,361 Controller polyinterface      ERROR    hub:__init__: No sensor devices found (Sky, Air, Tempest)

shortPoll   5

longPoll   60

AGL     0

Elevation       197

ListenPort   50222

Station  https://tempestwx.com/station

Units    US

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33 minutes ago, bpwwer said:

Station should be a station ID number not a URL.

Can you tell me where I find the station ID number.  Looking in the settings tab on my iPad I see the station name is ST-00015014, which is the serial number of the unit.  Under the station heading tab I see the name is "Our Home".  I've also tried Lat/Lon.  I restart the polisy after each change.  ISY still shows the default readings.

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1 hour ago, ronvond said:

Can you tell me where I find the station ID number.  Looking in the settings tab on my iPad I see the station name is ST-00015014, which is the serial number of the unit.  Under the station heading tab I see the name is "Our Home".  I've also tried Lat/Lon.  I restart the polisy after each change.  ISY still shows the default readings.

Use the Tempest app and go to: Settings - Stations - Select your station name - Status and read station ID.

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4 hours ago, DennisC said:

Use the Tempest app and go to: Settings - Stations - Select your station name - Status and read station ID.

I found the station ID.  Thank you.  Sadly I still have only the default data in ISY.  The only change I noted was that the AGL value went from 0 to 6.096.   

6 hours ago, bpwwer said:

Station should be a station ID number not a URL.

Can you tell me where I find the station ID number.  Looking in the settings tab on my iPad I see the station name is ST-00015014, which is the serial number of the unit.

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Is there a clue in the log?

Have you completely and correctly completed the configuration, including a valid token?



  • Port to listen on for WeatherFlow data. Default is port 50222

Rapid Wind

  • Enable or disable the sending of rapid wind data to the ISY. Set to 'true' to enable.
  • Rapid wind data is collected every 3 seconds
  • Rapid wind data is only available for stations configured as 'local'


  • Specifies the station id used for forecast data.
  • If not set, no forecast data will be collected and not evaptrasnspiration calculations will done


  • A separate key/value for each station you want to collect data from
  • The key is the station id number
  • The value must be either 'local' or 'remote'
  • 'local' - the data comes from the hub UDP feed on your local network
  • 'remote' - the data comes from the WeatherFlow server at Short Poll intervals
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9 hours ago, ronvond said:

I found the station ID.  Thank you.  Sadly I still have only the default data in ISY.  The only change I noted was that the AGL value went from 0 to 6.096.   

Can you tell me where I find the station ID number.  Looking in the settings tab on my iPad I see the station name is ST-00015014, which is the serial number of the unit.

The station ID is not the serial #. Go to settings, station name, status online and there you will find your station ID. It should be 5 numbers.

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15 hours ago, DennisC said:

Is there a clue in the log?

Have you completely and correctly completed the configuration, including a valid token?



  • Port to listen on for WeatherFlow data. Default is port 50222

Rapid Wind

  • Enable or disable the sending of rapid wind data to the ISY. Set to 'true' to enable.
  • Rapid wind data is collected every 3 seconds
  • Rapid wind data is only available for stations configured as 'local'


  • Specifies the station id used for forecast data.
  • If not set, no forecast data will be collected and not evaptrasnspiration calculations will done


  • A separate key/value for each station you want to collect data from
  • The key is the station id number
  • The value must be either 'local' or 'remote'
  • 'local' - the data comes from the hub UDP feed on your local network
  • 'remote' - the data comes from the WeatherFlow server at Short Poll intervals

I did not have a "valid token" so created same.  Now where should I enter that information?

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42 minutes ago, ronvond said:

I did not have a "valid token" so created same.  Now where should I enter that information?

Go to the Node Server Configuration page and under Key type Token, under Value past your key. Save and restart the Node Server.

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I did that.  Restarted the WeatherFlowPoly(3).  Rebooted the Polisy.  Rebooted the ISY.  Still have nothing but default values in the ISY.  Any more suggestions would be most welcome.  Thanks for your help so far.


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14 minutes ago, ronvond said:

I did that.  Restarted the WeatherFlowPoly(3).  Rebooted the Polisy.  Rebooted the ISY.  Still have nothing but default values in the ISY.  Any more suggestions would be most welcome.  Thanks for your help so far.


Are you sure you correctly entered the Station ID?

At this point, I suggest you send another log package to @bpwwer

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2022-03-13 11:17:30,574 MQTT       polyinterface      ERROR    weatherflow:query_wf: Bad: 'station_units'
2022-03-13 11:17:30,582 MQTT       py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /var/polyglot/node servers/WeatherFlowPoly/nodes/weatherflow.py:387: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=6, laddr=('', 49144), raddr=('', 80)>
2022-03-13 11:17:30,582 MQTT       py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /var/polyglot/node servers/WeatherFlowPoly/nodes/weatherflow.py:387: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=6, laddr=('', 49144), raddr=('', 80)>
2022-03-13 11:17:33,608 MQTT       polyinterface      ERROR    hub:__init__: No sensor devices found (Sky, Air, Tempest)
2022-03-13 11:17:42,992 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30
2022-03-13 11:17:44,246 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:init_interface: Received Config from STDIN.
2022-03-13 11:17:44,248 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     __init__:<module>: UDI Polyglot v2 Interface 2.1.0 Starting...
2022-03-13 11:17:44,610 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: gws: {'default': {2: ('', 'igb0')}, 2: [('', 'igb0', True)]}
2022-03-13 11:17:44,611 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: gw: default=('', 'igb0')
2022-03-13 11:17:44,612 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: ifad: igb0=[{'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}]
2022-03-13 11:17:44,613 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:__init__: Connect: Network Interface: {'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}
2022-03-13 11:17:44,615 Interface  polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_startMqtt: Connecting to MQTT... localhost:1883
2022-03-13 11:17:44,665 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Connected with result code 0 (Success)
2022-03-13 11:17:44,667 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/ns/3 -  MID: 1 Result: 0
2022-03-13 11:17:44,668 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/connections/polyglot -  MID: 2 Result: 0
2022-03-13 11:17:44,668 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: Sent Connected message to Polyglot
2022-03-13 11:17:44,672 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 1 - QoS: (0,)
2022-03-13 11:17:44,674 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 2 - QoS: (0,)
2022-03-13 11:17:44,719 Node server polyinterface      INFO     weatherflow:start: Starting WeatherFlow Node Server
2022-03-13 11:17:44,720 MQTT       polyinterface      DEBUG    weatherflow:process_config: -- configuration is valid
2022-03-13 11:17:44,721 Node server polyinterface      ERROR    node_funcs:get_saved_log_level: Found saved log level 0
2022-03-13 11:17:44,722 Node server polyinterface      ERROR    node_funcs:save_log_level: saving log level to customdata
2022-03-13 11:17:44,722 Node server polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:saveCustomData: Sending customData to Polyglot.
2022-03-13 11:17:44,838 Node server polyinterface      INFO     node_funcs:set_logging_level: set_logging_level: Setting log level to 0
2022-03-13 11:17:45,017 Node server polyinterface      ERROR    weatherflow:query_wf: Bad: 'station_units'
2022-03-13 11:17:45,018 Node server py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /var/polyglot/node servers/WeatherFlowPoly/nodes/weatherflow.py:387: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=6, laddr=('', 30203), raddr=('', 80)>
2022-03-13 11:17:45,018 Node server py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /var/polyglot/node servers/WeatherFlowPoly/nodes/weatherflow.py:387: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=6, laddr=('', 30203), raddr=('', 80)>
2022-03-13 11:17:45,037 Node server polyinterface      ERROR    hub:__init__: No sensor devices found (Sky, Air, Tempest)
2022-03-13 11:17:45,052 Thread-1   polyinterface      ERROR    polyinterface:write: Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 870, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/var/polyglot/node servers/WeatherFlowPoly/nodes/weatherflow.py", line 770, in udp_data
    s.bind(('', self.params.get('ListenPort')))
TypeError: an integer is required (got type str)
2022-03-13 11:17:45,054 Thread-1   py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py:960: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_DGRAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 0)>
2022-03-13 11:17:45,054 Thread-1   py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py:960: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_DGRAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 0)>
2022-03-13 13:53:54,825 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30
2022-03-13 13:53:55,896 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:init_interface: Received Config from STDIN.
2022-03-13 13:53:55,898 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     __init__:<module>: UDI Polyglot v2 Interface 2.1.0 Starting...
2022-03-13 13:53:56,222 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: gws: {'default': {2: ('', 'igb0')}, 2: [('', 'igb0', True)]}
2022-03-13 13:53:56,222 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: gw: default=('', 'igb0')
2022-03-13 13:53:56,223 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: ifad: igb0=[{'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}]
2022-03-13 13:53:56,224 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:__init__: Connect: Network Interface: {'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}
2022-03-13 13:53:56,225 Interface  polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_startMqtt: Connecting to MQTT... localhost:1883
2022-03-13 13:53:56,269 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Connected with result code 0 (Success)
2022-03-13 13:53:56,270 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/ns/3 -  MID: 1 Result: 0
2022-03-13 13:53:56,270 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/connections/polyglot -  MID: 2 Result: 0
2022-03-13 13:53:56,271 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: Sent Connected message to Polyglot
2022-03-13 13:53:56,275 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 1 - QoS: (0,)
2022-03-13 13:53:56,277 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 2 - QoS: (0,)
2022-03-13 13:53:56,323 Node server polyinterface      INFO     weatherflow:start: Starting WeatherFlow Node Server
2022-03-13 13:53:56,323 MQTT       polyinterface      DEBUG    weatherflow:process_config: -- configuration is valid
2022-03-13 13:53:56,324 Node server polyinterface      ERROR    node_funcs:get_saved_log_level: Found saved log level 0
2022-03-13 13:53:56,325 Node server polyinterface      ERROR    node_funcs:save_log_level: saving log level to customdata
2022-03-13 13:53:56,326 Node server polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:saveCustomData: Sending customData to Polyglot.
2022-03-13 13:53:56,427 Node server polyinterface      INFO     node_funcs:set_logging_level: set_logging_level: Setting log level to 0
2022-03-13 13:53:57,266 Thread-1   polyinterface      ERROR    polyinterface:write: Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 870, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/var/polyglot/node servers/WeatherFlowPoly/nodes/weatherflow.py", line 770, in udp_data
    s.bind(('', self.params.get('ListenPort')))
TypeError: an integer is required (got type str)
2022-03-13 13:53:57,268 Thread-1   py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py:960: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_DGRAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 0)>
2022-03-13 13:53:57,268 Thread-1   py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py:960: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_DGRAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 0)>
2022-03-13 13:56:29,500 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30
2022-03-13 13:56:30,725 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:init_interface: Received Config from STDIN.
2022-03-13 13:56:30,727 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     __init__:<module>: UDI Polyglot v2 Interface 2.1.0 Starting...
2022-03-13 13:56:31,149 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: gws: {'default': {2: ('', 'igb0')}, 2: [('', 'igb0', True)]}
2022-03-13 13:56:31,150 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: gw: default=('', 'igb0')
2022-03-13 13:56:31,151 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: ifad: igb0=[{'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}]
2022-03-13 13:56:31,152 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:__init__: Connect: Network Interface: {'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}
2022-03-13 13:56:31,155 Interface  polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_startMqtt: Connecting to MQTT... localhost:1883
2022-03-13 13:56:31,218 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Connected with result code 0 (Success)
2022-03-13 13:56:31,220 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/ns/3 -  MID: 1 Result: 0
2022-03-13 13:56:31,221 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/connections/polyglot -  MID: 2 Result: 0
2022-03-13 13:56:31,222 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: Sent Connected message to Polyglot
2022-03-13 13:56:31,229 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 1 - QoS: (0,)
2022-03-13 13:56:31,236 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 2 - QoS: (0,)
2022-03-13 13:56:31,363 Node server polyinterface      INFO     weatherflow:start: Starting WeatherFlow Node Server
2022-03-13 13:56:31,365 MQTT       polyinterface      DEBUG    weatherflow:process_config: -- configuration is valid
2022-03-13 13:56:31,365 Node server polyinterface      ERROR    node_funcs:get_saved_log_level: Found saved log level 0
2022-03-13 13:56:31,368 Node server polyinterface      ERROR    node_funcs:save_log_level: saving log level to customdata
2022-03-13 13:56:31,369 Node server polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:saveCustomData: Sending customData to Polyglot.
2022-03-13 13:56:31,523 Node server polyinterface      INFO     node_funcs:set_logging_level: set_logging_level: Setting log level to 0
2022-03-13 13:56:35,445 Thread-1   polyinterface      ERROR    polyinterface:write: Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 870, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/var/polyglot/node servers/WeatherFlowPoly/nodes/weatherflow.py", line 770, in udp_data
    s.bind(('', self.params.get('ListenPort')))
TypeError: an integer is required (got type str)
2022-03-13 13:56:35,446 Thread-1   py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py:960: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_DGRAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 0)>
2022-03-13 13:56:35,446 Thread-1   py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py:960: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_DGRAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 0)>
2022-03-13 14:04:36,607 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30
2022-03-13 14:04:37,644 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:init_interface: Received Config from STDIN.
2022-03-13 14:04:37,646 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     __init__:<module>: UDI Polyglot v2 Interface 2.1.0 Starting...
2022-03-13 14:04:37,927 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: gws: {'default': {2: ('', 'igb0')}, 2: [('', 'igb0', True)]}
2022-03-13 14:04:37,927 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: gw: default=('', 'igb0')
2022-03-13 14:04:37,928 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: ifad: igb0=[{'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}]
2022-03-13 14:04:37,929 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:__init__: Connect: Network Interface: {'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}
2022-03-13 14:04:37,930 Interface  polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_startMqtt: Connecting to MQTT... localhost:1883
2022-03-13 14:04:37,974 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Connected with result code 0 (Success)
2022-03-13 14:04:37,976 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/ns/3 -  MID: 1 Result: 0
2022-03-13 14:04:37,976 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/connections/polyglot -  MID: 2 Result: 0
2022-03-13 14:04:37,977 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: Sent Connected message to Polyglot
2022-03-13 14:04:37,981 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 1 - QoS: (0,)
2022-03-13 14:04:37,984 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 2 - QoS: (0,)
2022-03-13 14:04:38,069 Node server polyinterface      INFO     weatherflow:start: Starting WeatherFlow Node Server
2022-03-13 14:04:38,070 MQTT       polyinterface      DEBUG    weatherflow:process_config: -- configuration is valid
2022-03-13 14:04:38,070 Node server polyinterface      ERROR    node_funcs:get_saved_log_level: Found saved log level 0
2022-03-13 14:04:38,071 Node server polyinterface      ERROR    node_funcs:save_log_level: saving log level to customdata
2022-03-13 14:04:38,072 Node server polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:saveCustomData: Sending customData to Polyglot.
2022-03-13 14:04:38,176 Node server polyinterface      INFO     node_funcs:set_logging_level: set_logging_level: Setting log level to 0
2022-03-13 14:04:39,070 Thread-1   polyinterface      ERROR    polyinterface:write: Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 870, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/var/polyglot/node servers/WeatherFlowPoly/nodes/weatherflow.py", line 770, in udp_data
    s.bind(('', self.params.get('ListenPort')))
TypeError: an integer is required (got type str)
2022-03-13 14:04:39,072 Thread-1   py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py:960: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_DGRAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 0)>
2022-03-13 14:04:39,072 Thread-1   py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py:960: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_DGRAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 0)>
2022-03-13 14:40:37,860 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30
2022-03-13 14:40:39,016 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:init_interface: Received Config from STDIN.
2022-03-13 14:40:39,017 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     __init__:<module>: UDI Polyglot v2 Interface 2.1.0 Starting...
2022-03-13 14:40:39,295 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: gws: {'default': {2: ('', 'igb0')}, 2: [('', 'igb0', True)]}
2022-03-13 14:40:39,296 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: gw: default=('', 'igb0')
2022-03-13 14:40:39,297 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: ifad: igb0=[{'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}]
2022-03-13 14:40:39,297 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:__init__: Connect: Network Interface: {'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}
2022-03-13 14:40:39,299 Interface  polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_startMqtt: Connecting to MQTT... localhost:1883
2022-03-13 14:40:39,342 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Connected with result code 0 (Success)
2022-03-13 14:40:39,343 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/ns/3 -  MID: 1 Result: 0
2022-03-13 14:40:39,344 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/connections/polyglot -  MID: 2 Result: 0
2022-03-13 14:40:39,344 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: Sent Connected message to Polyglot
2022-03-13 14:40:39,348 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 1 - QoS: (0,)
2022-03-13 14:40:39,350 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 2 - QoS: (0,)
2022-03-13 14:40:39,438 Node server polyinterface      INFO     weatherflow:start: Starting WeatherFlow Node Server
2022-03-13 14:40:39,439 MQTT       polyinterface      DEBUG    weatherflow:process_config: -- configuration is valid
2022-03-13 14:40:39,439 Node server polyinterface      ERROR    node_funcs:get_saved_log_level: Found saved log level 0
2022-03-13 14:40:39,441 Node server polyinterface      ERROR    node_funcs:save_log_level: saving log level to customdata
2022-03-13 14:40:39,441 Node server polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:saveCustomData: Sending customData to Polyglot.
2022-03-13 14:40:39,559 Node server polyinterface      INFO     node_funcs:set_logging_level: set_logging_level: Setting log level to 0
2022-03-13 14:40:43,393 Thread-1   polyinterface      ERROR    polyinterface:write: Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 870, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/var/polyglot/node servers/WeatherFlowPoly/nodes/weatherflow.py", line 770, in udp_data
    s.bind(('', self.params.get('ListenPort')))
TypeError: an integer is required (got type str)
2022-03-13 14:40:43,396 Thread-1   py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py:960: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_DGRAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 0)>
2022-03-13 14:40:43,396 Thread-1   py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py:960: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_DGRAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 0)>
2022-03-13 14:42:25,392 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30
2022-03-13 14:42:26,365 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:init_interface: Received Config from STDIN.
2022-03-13 14:42:26,366 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     __init__:<module>: UDI Polyglot v2 Interface 2.1.0 Starting...
2022-03-13 14:42:26,675 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: gws: {'default': {2: ('', 'igb0')}, 2: [('', 'igb0', True)]}
2022-03-13 14:42:26,675 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: gw: default=('', 'igb0')
2022-03-13 14:42:26,676 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: ifad: igb0=[{'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}]
2022-03-13 14:42:26,677 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:__init__: Connect: Network Interface: {'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}
2022-03-13 14:42:26,678 Interface  polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_startMqtt: Connecting to MQTT... localhost:1883
2022-03-13 14:42:26,720 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Connected with result code 0 (Success)
2022-03-13 14:42:26,722 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/ns/3 -  MID: 1 Result: 0
2022-03-13 14:42:26,722 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/connections/polyglot -  MID: 2 Result: 0
2022-03-13 14:42:26,723 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: Sent Connected message to Polyglot
2022-03-13 14:42:26,726 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 1 - QoS: (0,)
2022-03-13 14:42:26,729 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 2 - QoS: (0,)
2022-03-13 14:42:26,814 Node server polyinterface      INFO     weatherflow:start: Starting WeatherFlow Node Server
2022-03-13 14:42:26,816 MQTT       polyinterface      DEBUG    weatherflow:process_config: -- configuration is valid
2022-03-13 14:42:26,816 Node server polyinterface      ERROR    node_funcs:get_saved_log_level: Found saved log level 0
2022-03-13 14:42:26,818 Node server polyinterface      ERROR    node_funcs:save_log_level: saving log level to customdata
2022-03-13 14:42:26,818 Node server polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:saveCustomData: Sending customData to Polyglot.
2022-03-13 14:42:26,913 Node server polyinterface      INFO     node_funcs:set_logging_level: set_logging_level: Setting log level to 0
2022-03-13 14:42:27,655 Thread-1   polyinterface      ERROR    polyinterface:write: Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 870, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/var/polyglot/node servers/WeatherFlowPoly/nodes/weatherflow.py", line 770, in udp_data
    s.bind(('', self.params.get('ListenPort')))
TypeError: an integer is required (got type str)
2022-03-13 14:42:27,659 Thread-1   py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py:960: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_DGRAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 0)>
2022-03-13 14:42:27,659 Thread-1   py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py:960: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_DGRAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 0)>


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Are you on PG2? If so, I think I previously posted instructions for PG3. It's been awhile since I set up Weatherflow on PG2, so I am not sure if setup is the same, however, I don't think key "Our Home" is a correct key.

I don't think you are configuring the setup correctly.  I would suggest deleting your current keys, restarting the Node Server, and configuring per the directions.

I "think" the correct keys for PG2 are:

AGL, Elevation, Listen Port, Station, Tempest, Units. You could also post the instructions from configuration page here and some one can help using what you posted above.

One last thought, if Our Home is your Token for PG3, you might want to delete it from your Weatherflow account.

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17 minutes ago, ronvond said:

I'm using Polisy Version 2.2.13, Frontend 2.2.9-5, ISY 5.3.3.  I did delete all the keys and restart WeatherFlowPoly.  The keys were repopulated with the proper information.

I'm wondering if there's something I need to change to allow ListenPort 50222 access to my system.


WeatherFlowPoly_3-13-2022_33355_PM.txt 40.97 kB · 0 downloads

I don't have any further suggestions for you.

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there are a couple of errors in the log.

First, it seems to be having problems getting your station's information from the WeatherFlow servers.  Whatever it is getting back from the query is not what is expected.

It is also complaining about the port number.  I've never seen it do that before so I have no idea what's happening there. 

I don't really have time to support the PG2 version as that's basically end of lifed at this point in favor of the PG3 version.

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15 minutes ago, ronvond said:

Can I update to the PG3 version?  How?

PG3 only runs on a Polisy. If you have one follow the directions in the Polisy thread. Iy you don't have one, I believe UD is currently offering a discount. Send them an email and ask.

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