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ISY994i stuck in infinite loop - how do I break it?


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I edited a program and created an infinite loop. How can I get control of my ISY back? I can load the admin console but can't change variables. The console won't show the programs so I can edit them. I tried restoring from a backup but get a socket open error. rebooting the ISY does not help.


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5 hours ago, photogeek54 said:

I edited a program and created an infinite loop. How can I get control of my ISY back? I can load the admin console but can't change variables. The console won't show the programs so I can edit them. I tried restoring from a backup but get a socket open error. rebooting the ISY does not help.


If all else fails and you feel you have a good backup from before the change, you can do a factory reset as a last option.




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Several years ago I installed my first PG1 Node server that loaded a malformed nodesdef.xml that prevented the ISY from starting. Since I didn’t have a recent backup, I pulled the SD card and mounted it Windows. I was able to decipher the file system enough to find the errant profile XML file and remove it, allowing the ISY to start. I think I recall that each program is similarly stored in an XML file in various folders.

proceed at own risk — possibly warranty voiding — and all that jazz.

BTW, UD quickly fixed the profile load bug in a firmware update. It’s also very possible that subsequent firmware changes have made the underlying file system unreadable/indecipherable.

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I've gotten out of the infinite loop issue before using a folder condition on "My Programs". Create a condition that will never be true..... I use $cTrue = $cFalse but if you don't already have those variables pick any variable that you do have and do something like $iVariable = -99999999... or pick a switch that won't be used and compare it to any condition.  Then Save Programs.   As I recall the first time the folder condition just disappeared during the save, but I tried again and that time it worked.


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Got my ISY back again, thanks for the tips!

I opened my SD card under windows and found the offending program under conf\d2d\000F.PGM. Opening the file in notepad it was pretty easy to find the variable I had set to the wrong value and change it.

The ISY booted without the infinite loop and I added a new condition to "My Programs" of a debug variable initially set to 1 and doesn't allow programs to run until I set it to 0. Yes this means the programs wont run after a reboot until I change the variable but I'm OK with that. We haven't had a power failure here in over 10 years.


Thanks Goose66 and MrBill!

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2 hours ago, photogeek54 said:

I added a new condition to "My Programs" of a debug variable initially set to 1 and doesn't allow programs to run until I set it to 0. Yes this means the programs wont run after a reboot until I change the variable but I'm OK with that.

You could also create a new folder under "my programs" and move everything currently under My Programs to the new folder.  Put the folder condition on that folder instead.  Then you could add a single program Run at startup, No If, and a then that waits 10 minutes, then sets the debug variable to 0.    That would give a 10 minute delay then start programs in case of unattended startup.

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