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Where can I find literature or demos for setup?

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Hello all. 

Just ordered a Polisy and Inseon PLM from AArtech canada. 

Hoping it will show up in a week or two. As a Newbie here I am  not very familiar with the polisy or isy family of products, Is there any literature to read up on or possibly a demo to look at so that I may get familiar with this new " hub"? 

I would say I am pretty tech savy but not very good with code but I am eager to learn. 

Any documents links or relevant information would be appreciated to make my transition from insteon hub to polisy pro.

Thank  you  


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@Prana electric welcome to the forums and the world of Polisy! 

Some "light reading" and to get you started would be to review the Universal Devices Wiki about the ISY and Polisy abilities. Then, I would suggest downloading and having handy the ISY Cookbook. Finally, bookmark UD Support ticket location. If you've come here and gotten some help from the forums, but still stuck then UD Support is top notch and can help specific problems. But the general user-to-user support found on these forums is always a great starting spot. 

Wiki - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/

Cookbook - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#ISY_Cookbook

UD Support (tickets) - https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/


There are some videos (some a little aged, but still somewhat relevant in process with minor changes) found in the Wiki. Just know that some processes have changed slightly, but you'll get the idea of what you will want to look for.

One thing I remember when starting out was that it's difficult to read/watch if you're not doing. So it might sound like a lot if you just read/watch now.  Once you've got the Polisy up and running it should be simple to learn and maintain.  Just note that a few things of the Polisy are still very much in development so there could be a few wrinkles along the way.

Key points to note:

Factory reset devices before adding to ISY - Many will suggest, since you're going to be moving from the hub to the Polisy, the best way to setup the system within the Polisy and ISY on Polisy (IoP) will be to factory reset all Insteon devices before adding them to the Polisy. This will be sure to clear any current links or scenes currently written to the devices don't live in the device memory when the IoP is trying to control them. The factory reset processes can be found in the device manual. 

Firmware and User Interface must match versions - Once you are up and running with IoP is using the admin console check out the Menu -> Help -> about and make sure that firmware and user interface always match. That is step # 1 on any troubleshooting issue you might have once using ISY (IoP) and if devices aren't behaving the way you expect them to. FW/UI matching is always very important. Next will be to ask if all previous links/scenes were removed from the device when added to the ISY.


Again, welcome and feel free to ask for help if you get stuck along the way in setting things up!


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5 hours ago, Geddy said:

@Prana electric welcome to the forums and the world of Polisy! 

Some "light reading" and to get you started would be to review the Universal Devices Wiki about the ISY and Polisy abilities. Then, I would suggest downloading and having handy the ISY Cookbook. Finally, bookmark UD Support ticket location. If you've come here and gotten some help from the forums, but still stuck then UD Support is top notch and can help specific problems. But the general user-to-user support found on these forums is always a great starting spot. 

Wiki - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/

Cookbook - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#ISY_Cookbook

UD Support (tickets) - https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/


There are some videos (some a little aged, but still somewhat relevant in process with minor changes) found in the Wiki. Just know that some processes have changed slightly, but you'll get the idea of what you will want to look for.

One thing I remember when starting out was that it's difficult to read/watch if you're not doing. So it might sound like a lot if you just read/watch now.  Once you've got the Polisy up and running it should be simple to learn and maintain.  Just note that a few things of the Polisy are still very much in development so there could be a few wrinkles along the way.

Key points to note:

Factory reset devices before adding to ISY - Many will suggest, since you're going to be moving from the hub to the Polisy, the best way to setup the system within the Polisy and ISY on Polisy (IoP) will be to factory reset all Insteon devices before adding them to the Polisy. This will be sure to clear any current links or scenes currently written to the devices don't live in the device memory when the IoP is trying to control them. The factory reset processes can be found in the device manual. 

Firmware and User Interface must match versions - Once you are up and running with IoP is using the admin console check out the Menu -> Help -> about and make sure that firmware and user interface always match. That is step # 1 on any troubleshooting issue you might have once using ISY (IoP) and if devices aren't behaving the way you expect them to. FW/UI matching is always very important. Next will be to ask if all previous links/scenes were removed from the device when added to the ISY.


Again, welcome and feel free to ask for help if you get stuck along the way in setting things up!


@Geddy - Thanks for clarifying the part about factory resetting all Insteon devices before migrating from Hub to Polisy. I’ve been reading the wiki, customer installation notes etc and this forum and I still was not aware you had to reset each device….something I’m not looking forward to, but easy to do. I’ll be practicing with the least important devices first for practice before the “great migration”. 

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14 hours ago, FloridaGary said:

I still was not aware you had to reset each device….something I’m not looking forward to, but easy to do.

@FloridaGary Technically I'd say it's not super critical to factory reset, but it is suggested as common practice. Especially when migrating from an existing system with a different controller. There have been debates about this process, but typically the cleanest method is to try to factory reset if you can. This is simply to clear out any old device specific dependency that might have been "written" to the device memory (i.e. local scene or local 3-way function). 

There is a step when adding devices to the ISY platform to remove existing links. That might be enough for the hard/impossible to reach devices, but for "easy" to access devices the factory reset is a simple and fool-proof way to be sure you clear out any previous programming specifically applied to the device.

Thanks for posting that link above for factory reset references. I've printed to PDF to have for the future (if needed) in case the Insteon site goes boom soon.


PS: To tag users you did it right to start with the @, but then as you type the name a list will appear. You have to select the name you want to tag for it to take and the person should get a notification about the mention.


When you get the list you can down arrow and enter on the name or click with mouse/curser.  You know it's tagged when the blue bubble surrounds the user name. 

Good luck with the "great migration"! Welcome to the UD Forums.


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Thanks for the reply and useful information. 
 I am definitely sure that I will have many follow up questions but it seems as though I am in good hands here. 
It’s nice to be able to find interesting and knowledgeable people who are interested and care about the same thing. 

Thanks again 

Looking forward to learning 



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1 hour ago, Prana electric said:

Thanks for the reply and useful information. 
 I am definitely sure that I will have many follow up questions but it seems as though I am in good hands here. 
It’s nice to be able to find interesting and knowledgeable people who are interested and care about the same thing. 

Thanks again 

Looking forward to learning 



I am also new to Polisy and this forum and you are correct. Many knowledgeable people who care enough to help us. I know I’ll need it when the new controller arrives. Can’t wait!

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