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PG3 ELK Node server 3.3.8

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IMPORTANT: Starting with the 3.2.0 release it uses a new feature only available with ISY On Polisy 5.4.2.  It should still function on older versions, but there may be issues loading the profile on older versions which will make programs using at least the Area nodes have issues.

The Polyglot Version 3 Node server for ELK Security Version 3.3.5 is released.  See the Release Notes

See the README for more information, including information on moving from PG2.

If you have issues orvrequests please check PG3 ELK Github issues to see it has already been listed.  And if you want to thumbs up an issue I will try to prioritize fixing the ones with most votes.


Edited by JimboAutomates
Change to 3.3.8
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