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iSY launcher not working on Windows 10 after updates

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I tried to launch my lighting console and java says the file UDI_launcher.state cannot be found.   I reset the Java cache, PLM and rebooted the iSY994, but nothing has resolved this problem.  Can you please offer some advice?

Thank you.

Hal Ferguson



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Please follow the steps in the WIKI to install ISY Launcher on your desktop. Also, please make sure you are using the current version of Java

ISY Wiki - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Installing_the_Admin_Console_Icon_on_Your_Desktop

Java download - https://java.com/en/download/
(Java 8 update 333 is current version - don't download any developer types or advanced versions of Java.)


Be sure you're clearing java cache and selecting all 3 options in that process.



Rebooting the PLM or ISY will not do anything to make the program work on Windows 10. You just need to follow the steps of clearing cache, downloading the ISY Launcher (start.jnlp), and running it to put the icon on the desktop again.

DO NOT use any previous downloads of admin.jnlp or start.jnlp. Please delete those from your system before proceeding again. It's a good idea to always download a fresh file just to be sure it's the most current and avoid any further issues.

Once you're able to launch the admin console again please go to Help -> About and make sure the UI and Firmware versions match EXACTLY.

Good luck!

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I don't know what OS you are running but on windows 10 there are virtual network adapters that will intercept the communications so your ISY finder will show not found since the virtual network adapters don't talk to your ISY java app.

For instance my pc network connections shows ...  Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapters and a few others. When I disable them and re-run the UD App everything works fine. If you have virtual network adapters you might try disabling them and re-running the UD app.

I use two PowerShell scripts to enable / disable these adapters.



Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Get-NetAdapter -Name vEthernet* | Disable-NetAdapter -Confirm:$false
Get-NetAdapter -Name Virtual* | Disable-NetAdapter -Confirm:$false

To Enable..


Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned
Get-NetAdapter -Name vEthernet* | Enable-NetAdapter
Get-NetAdapter -Name VirtualBox* | Enable-NetAdapter

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This is a big THANK YOU for all of your excellent responses.  Actually, I had followed most all of your suggestions already.  The problem turned out to be rather stupid on my part.  The start.jnlp was working as it should, although it did appear to have a missing file in the Java script.  Somehow the "ISY Finder" window had shrunk to only one bar high.  Only the header was visible and that was covered up by other graphics on my screen.  Once I got it back to the proper size, everything worked correctly.  I have been using this system for my home automation for many years, and the reliability has been fantastic.  This is the first time it appeared not to work as expected (but it really was OK).

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In case you don't know there is a method to recover if you're unable to grab the edge of a too minimized window, or if it's outside the screen boundary because you unplugged a second monitor, etc...

From the wiki...


Admin Console Minimized/Invisible and Cannot be Restored

This is usually related Admin Console state files not being updated properly and especially in case of multi monitors. All you need to do is to find the following files in Java temp directory (on Windows: c:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\Temp) and delete them. Or, you can simply search the computer for udi_*.* file patterns:

  • udi_tree.state
  • udi_frame.state
  • udi_pgm.state
  • udi_finder.state
  • udi_launcher.state


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