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Static ip or DHCP for ISY994i


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Just a little OCD on my part, but I do like certain clients on my list to have lower ip addresses. Weird I know, but I still would like to do if possible.  Is this something I could do? Take and make my ISY994i static, set the address in my controller as a fixed IP address, and then turn my ISY994i back to DHCP for future.  Would you do this if you had OCD? ?

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Don't set a static IP on the ISY itself, instead set and address reservation on your router.  I very definitely like the ISY to have the same address, but i don't configure it as a static IP, instead I use and address reservation so that DHCP will always assign the same one.  

The reason setting a fixed IP is bad is if the router dies and the new network uses a different addressing scheme it's impossible to get your ISY back online without a factory reset.

I use Address reservation for about half the devices on my network. and I have an Excel Spreadsheet of MAC addresses should I ever need the data for a new router.

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Right. So if I go in and set a static on the ISY, my router will see the address.  I will then set it to a fixed ip in the router, go back into the ISY and change it to DHCP.  Does this make sense? That way I get the lower number I want in my address list. Silly, yes.

Will this work? Thanks.

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If you know the address of the ISY then just setup a low reservation for it and the device should attach to that as intended. You're just adding an extra step of trying to force the ISY to join at the low IP then reserving that in the router. If it's already connected to the router you know the MAC address and can just setup a lower number in the reservation. Then power cycle the ISY and it should connect at the new IP. But your way should work...especially if just a quick change. It's just an extra step. 


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I've always done it the way @MrBill does it and for the same reasons.

I leave the device DHCP. I find it in the router and reserve the IP address I want it to be on. Reboot the device and verify it is on that address. I'm done.

The vast majority of my devices are on a "fixed" IP in this manner--just a reservation in the router.

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