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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

"Node Object does not have nodeDefObject" when trying to run Network Resource from mobile

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When trying to run network resources that work fine on the ISY994i, I get the error "Node Object does not have nodeDefObject" in UDMobile (v0.7.6). I have tried syncing with ISY (v5.3.4) to resolve this without joy. Any other ideas?


Just this message, but it seems irrelevant. I don't use any integer variables.

The network resources in question are similar to the one in the ISY screenshot below, and in particular, the screenshot is of the DenonOn network resource that produced the error above.

Screenshot 2022-05-31 at 12.33.42 PM.png



Thanks.  Must be a bug in the app, but I can not replicate.  Can you please send me a PM with a copy of the UD Mobile backup file (Settings-Tab > Backup).


Issue: App does not create Network Resources Node Def when Network Module 21040 is not installed. Portal Module 21075 includes the Network Module, so checks should include both module numbers.

Will be fixed in iOS 0.7.8 and Android 0.144.   

Work around: Until the update is live I believe UD Mobile will still execute the network resource when clicking the icon in the list.

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