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Polyglot not seeing my ISY994


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I've had Openweather connected to my ISY through the portal Ployglot account for a long time.  However, lately I've noticed that I do NOT have weather information, so I logged into my ployglot cloug account.   I just get the spinning wheel forever.  period.  It never finds my ISY.  Is there something that I'm missing?  I have no weather data, and I cannot see my ISY, nor my connection to OpenWeather on the Polyglot dashboard.  Only the spinning wheel...  Thanks for any guidance..


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Well, it is with great shame that I state,  all of my research never led me to the post indicating that the Polyglot Cloud has been shut down due to security risks, and that the ultimate solution will be a total re-design of the Polyglot cloud service.  So, Forgive me for posting on something that's already dead.  :)  If someone has another solution for me to add weather to my ISY994i, remembering that I'm not a developer, just a user, that would be appreciated.  


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@jukeman, the solution is to run Polyglot on a local installation (Raspberry Pi, or better, a Polisy).  Here's a list of the available node servers, and quite a few are related to Weather.  Openweathermap is available on Polyglot v3 with a perpetual license for $5.00 (free on Polyglot v2).  Polyglot v3 is the current, supported version of Polyglot, and it only runs on a Polisy.  I have no information as to whether Polyglot Cloud will be rebuilt or not.

If you're unfamiliar with Linux, running Polyglot v2 from a Raspberry Pi might be a bit daunting.  I think the best solution (though not the cheapest) would be to purchase a Polisy from Universal Devices and consider migrating your installation to that platform - in the short term, you could use a Polisy to simply run Polyglot v3 while you consider your migration path from the ISY994.  The ISY994 is supported still, but it isn't the current platform for Universal Devices.

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